pump track design

Complaints Procedure

For the benefit of good local administration the council has adopted a standard and formal procedure for considering complaints either made by complainants direct or referred back to the council from other bodies to whom they have been made. The Code is a way of ensuring that complainants can feel satisfied that at the very least their complaint has been properly and fully considered.

Equality and Diversity Policy

Temple Cloud with Cameley Parish Council commit to ensure at all times that equality and diversity is reflected in all its activities. This document sets out the policy to ensure the council delivers equality and diversity to its staff, members, residents, customers and partners.

Risk Management Scheme

This document identifies the risks and subsequent control measures. Under health and safety law and statutory financial regulations the council has a duty to manage risks.

This document is reviewed annually.

Data Protection Policy

The data protection policy details how the council manages and protects personal data. The aim of this policy is to ensure that everyone handling personal data is fully aware of the requirements and legal duties in accordance with data protection law.