At the Parish Council meeting dated 8th February 2017 three members of the Temple Cloud Village Hall Project Committee attended the meeting to make statements and ask questions relating to the Parish Council decision to terminate the lease arrangement and occupy and manage the Village Hall from 28th July 2017 and around the public statement made by the Parish Council following this decision.
The Parish Council have provided a response to each statement / question in turn.
Member of the Temple Cloud Village Hall Project Committee:
Statement: The attempted stifling of a valued and genuinely inclusive wish by the present Village Hall Committee to use our Village Hall to its maximum potential is hardly useful. Personally I find the allegations as stated in the previous PC meeting that the members of the Village Hall Committee ‘have no vision, energy, inclusiveness’, without grounds and personally offensive, particularly that in as far as I am aware, no present member of the PC has attempted in the past to help promote the Village Hall.
I and my colleagues on the TCVHP Committee are aware that the village is expanding, just as it did when previous extra housing was built (on green land and possibly protested by the villagers then). The fact is that more people will join us here. If we can welcome them and show a good social foundation, we can make a better village, and the VH is the place to build community. The world is full of battlegrounds. They face long hard struggles to build a decent society, we only have to stop being selfish.
Parish Council: The Parish Council regret that the decision to bring the lease to an end has caused upset for the members of the current Temple Cloud Village Hall Project Committee. The Parish Council agrees that the Village Hall will be a valuable resource and focal point to build community for the village particularly as it is expanding. The Parish Council thank the members past and present for their efforts and the Parish Council plans to manage the Village Hall for the benefit of the whole community.
President of Temple Cloud Women’s Institute / Co-opted trustee of Temple Cloud Village Hall Project
Statement: As president of Temple Cloud Women’s Institute I am also co-opted as a Trustee of Temple Cloud Village Hall Project. In the complete absence of any correspondence or discussion with the Village Hall Trust, along with other trustees I am astonished at the publicly hostile stance taken by Cameley Parish Council. I wish to ask that following questions regarding the council’s public statement.
Parish Council: The Parish Council have decided to terminate the lease arrangement and instead wish to occupy and manage the Village Hall themselves. Whilst the Parish Council regret that the decision has caused upset for members of the Temple Cloud Village Hall Project Committee, the resolution was documented in the minutes of the 8th January 2017 meeting at which the treasurer of the Village Hall Project Committee was present. The Parish Council have written to each member listed on the Charity Commission website to notify each member of the Charity Trust separately. A public statement was published on the Parish Council website in the interest of transparency and details genuine concerns raised and discussed which formed part of the decision making process. The Parish Council are within their rights to bring the lease arrangement to an end as set out in the lease.
Question: What evidence does Cameley Parish Council have to support its publicly-stated claims that the Village Hall Trust has:
- Not met its obligations to insure and maintain the village hall?
- Not supervised 18th birthday parties
- Any connection with nitrous oxide canisters that were dumped outside the school.
- Posted: 15th February 2017