pump track design

Pump Track Party September 2023

The Parish Council celebrated the opening of the pump track on 23rd September. The event was very popular and well attended and was opened by Adam Brazil from CrucialBMX. Approximately £1500 was raised by the event.

In the 10th October 2023 Parish Council meeting, the Chairman expressed the appreciation and thanks of the Parish Council to Helen Nearly and Jay for all their work in bringing together the successful pump track opening party.

The Chairman also thanked all the supporters who helped on the day making the event a great success, including:

  • Over 20 volunteer helpers from the community who helped with many tasks on the day
  • Matt Eaton – Bike Training- BMX
  • Sammi – Children’s sport training
  • Bruce Karsten – British Cycling
  • Gary Hodges – BMX rider
  • Sara Box Parish council – BBQ
  • Francesca – Bouncy Castle with free generator
  • Rachel – Cakes for Parish Council
  • Hannah – Face Painting
  • Nikki – tombola
  • Bristol Old School BMX Club Vintage Bike Display
  • Sully’s Bikes – Mini Bike Health Check
  • Dickie – Compare
  • Bradley Sage – Saloon Stock Cars
  • Rockaway – Rockets and stage
  • Filthy Luker Inflatable Art
  • Mr Withers Field for parking
  • Jason Everis and co. Band/ music/ PA
  • Jane and Gabriel DJ’ing
  • Kate and Becky – BBQ
  • Chris – Bar
  • All display riders Crucial BMX, Eliza, Gabriel, Steve
  • Adam Brazil – opened track
  • Police Bike Marking Team
  • All councillors

  • Posted: 12th October 2023