pump track design

Minutes – Parish Council Meeting September 8th 2020

Held Remotely via zoom / telephone

Councillors Present: Cllr Sebright (Chairman), Cllr Box (Vice Chairman), Cllr Neary (Vice Chairman), Cllr Warden and Cllr Marsh

Also in attendance: Dst Cllr David Wood, Philip Edwards (Clerk), PC Michael Bolwell


PC Michael Bolwell was available to answer questions relating to local issues. The public are encouraged to report any incidents to the local neighbourhood team via the neighbourhood team website:

Dst Cllr David Wood gave an update:

  • There is an informal consultation underway for the annual traffic regulation order report. Cllr Wood has been in discussion with residents regarding the proposal around Cameley surgery and Brandon Close. The question of removing some double yellow lines on Temple Inn Rd to reduce speeding was raised and Dst Cllr Wood will ask residents for their views.
  • It is now road repair season – Resurfacing south of Cameley Surgery is being completed, with new lines. Potholes and curbs are being repaired.
  • Government planning consultation, BANES is working on objections.
  • Planning concerns regarding the field behind Temple Inn: Residents are coming together to resist the non designation of a footpath
  • The AQMA briefing to take place in the coming week.
  • Ward empowerment fund – Dst Cllr D Wood has £2000 to distribute to local groups. Temple Cloud in Bloom and the planned youth club have been contacted to offer support. £200 has been offered to the Parish Council to support community consultations for bike park between now and March.


There were no apologies for absence.


There were no requests for dispensations or declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests in accordance with the PC Code of Conduct.


RESOLVED The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council Meeting which took place on Tuesday 14th July 2020 were approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman.


Update from the Chairman.

The Chairman expressed the thanks of the Parish Council to Bath Ramblers for their work in clearing some of the major overgrowth above Chelwood Farm and in Eastcourt woods.

The Chairman expressed the thanks of the Parish Council to Temple Cloud in Bloom for their ongoing work in the village, and in particular for their weeding and planting of the flower bed in the Village Hall car park.

The Chairman has attended Chew Valley Forum, and gave an update on:

  • BANES response to Covid looking at prevention and encouraging people to abide by rules.
  • Climate change group, looking for community support to join the group.

2020-09_6. CLERKS REPORT

The following was noted:

  1. A member of the public requested that the council consider available space for allotments. The Clerk has contacted the management of the Brandon Close development to request and update about the planned growing spaces on the new development and is currently waiting for a response. Cllr Neary will also contact the development management for a response.
  2. A member of the public requested that the footpath hedge be trimmed from the Village Hall along the back of the Brandown Close development. The Clerk has requested that the management company of the new development trim this hedge and check the trees as this comes under their responsibility.
  3. The Clerk requested the assistance of the Ramblers to clear some of the major overgrowth on the footpath above Chelwood Farm, and also in Eastcourt Woods. This was arranged and completed on 27th August. The Chairman expressed the Parish Council’s thanks to the Ramblers in the Chairman’s report.
  4. The Clerk received notification of a temporary tree preservation order for one of the Oak Trees on playing field lane. The Clerk is requesting clarification regarding a second tree that was requested for TPO consideration in previous correspondence.
  5. The Village Hall has had the emergency lights repaired in line with the inspection report, the overhead emergency spotlights in the Hall are to be repaired. An external power socket has been added to the back of the Village Hall, with a lockable box and internal isolator.
  6. Village Hall Bookings are being reinstated for COVID secure organisations in line with the Parish Council’s suggested risk assessment.
  7. The Village Hall has been hired on Wednesday evenings by a choir. There is a potential overlap with the Children’s club.
  8. Cllr Warden and the Clerk attended the ALCA Planning in Plain English training on 1st September.
  9. The Clerk has notified BANES of a damaged bus shelter outside Cholwell Farm.
  10. Temple Cloud in Bloom has contributed to the planting and upkeep of the village hall car park central island.
  11. The Clerk wrote to the school about their trees and they have cut back the trees along their boundary with the village hall.
  12. To note Cllr Warden has been in discussion with a parishioner regarding re-wilding.

13. RESOLVED: Informal request for consultation regarding parking: The Parish Council support the proposal to add time restrictions outside Cameley Surgery. The Parish Council support the addition of double yellow lines on the junction of Brandown Close on the condition that the lines do not go any further back than is required to remind drivers of the legal requirement not to park near a junction.


The Parish Council support in principle the proposed installation of a natural woodland path CL1/5 at the rear of Brandown Close. It was noted that these proposals would be funded by a Unilateral Undertaking.  The developer, via the Planning Appeal chose to include a contribution for use on public footpaths within the immediate vicinity.  If the money is not used for this purpose it has to be repaid to the developer.

The council noted the proposal to rationalize the footpaths in that area with a diversion order under the Highways Act 1980.  The council would like to research further the details of the proposal. It was noted that the proposal takes the path down the side of the Recreation ground which needs the approval of the Parish Council.  The diversion order would be funded by the UU money also. See attachment:

The council welcomes the offer from Sheila Petheridge from BANES to present the proposals in the October meeting.

2020-09_8. FINANCE

See appendix for a breakdown:

  1. Noted: The new 2020 national salary award NALC pay scales for the Clerk’s contract of employment.
  2. Noted: the Nationwide savings account has been set up with an initial transfer of £100 and is ready to use.
  3. Noted: regular payments for the last two months totalling: £1594.92 in July, £1595.12 in August
  4. Noted: credit card payments for the last two months totalling: £117.88 in July, £136.88 in August
  5. Noted: other payments for the last two months totalling: £589.89
  6. RESOLVED: transfers shown in the appendix were approved totalling: £74900 and £25000
  7. Noted income for the last two months totalling: £88
  8. RESOLVED: The council approved the bank reconciliation: see appendix:


Noted: Pavilion demolition update: An asbestos survey has been completed by the contractor who has confirmed they will be able to comply with statutory requirements for demolition.

Noted: The electricity has been disconnected to the Pavilion. The school and a sports coach have both visited to remove any wanted items.

Noted: The working party recommended that the remaining pavilion surface be finished as tarmac to match the level and extents of the volleyball court. Possible use for consideration could then include a half court tennis wall. A price has been requested from the contractor for the tarmac.

2020-09_10. PLANNING

Requests for Consultation:

  1. Cameley C Of E VC Primary School 20/02978/FUL: RESOLVED: The Parish Council highlighted the current traffic issues in Meadway. The Parish Council supports the application for Cameley C Of E VC Primary School on condition that a clear policy to promote non vehicular transport of pupils and staff is continually promoted.
  2. NALC white paper: Planning for the future to reply by 15th October. The council will seek further consultation for a response at the next meeting.


RESOLVED: The Parish Council Adopted the WCAG Compliance Statement:

(The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018, Part 2 Reg 8 requires that the Parish Council publish an accessibility statement for the website.)


RESOLVED: Date of next scheduled meeting of the Parish Council: Tuesday 13th October 2020

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.58pm