Present: Cllr Sebright (Chairman), Cllr Box, Cllr Neary, Cllr Warden and Cllr Marsh
Also Present: Dst Cllr David Wood, Philip Edwards (Clerk)
Dst Cllr Wood gave a report regarding:
– The successful installation and lighting up ceremony for the Christmas Tree. (See chairman’s report for thanks and further details)
– Ongoing collaboration with Cllr Neary regarding the war memorial and offer of support with grant applications
– Contact with Bristol Water to address congestion on A37 caused by traffic lights
– Molly Close AQMA proposals and residents concerns
– Residents have been consulted regarding installing a street light on the path between Brandon Close and the pub.
There were no absences or apologies for absence.
There were no requests of dispensations or declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests in accordance with the PC Code of Conduct.
RESOLVED: The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council Meeting which took place on Tuesday 10th November 2020 were approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman.
Update from the Chairman.
The Chairman acknowledged the challenges over the year, and highlighted the positive outcomes from the community. The chairman recognised and expressed thanks for the work of the local community with the village larder. The Chairman also recognised and expressed thanks for the organisers of the Saturday night zoom quiz.
The Chairman expressed his thanks to all the volunteers involved with the successful Christmas tree installation and lighting up ceremony. This year we remembered our previous Chairman Tony Hooper and his significant contribution to serving both the Parish Council and local community. In particular, the Parish Council would like to thank:
- Thank you to Ann Morgan and David Wood for organising the Christmas Tree and the ceremony that was held on Facebook on Sunday 6th to switch on the lights.
- Thank you to Richard Jordan from Cam Bridge Barn Christmas Trees for donating the Christmas tree
- Thank you to John and Nancy Hampson from Old Court for access to their electricity for the tree lights
- Thank you to Steve Branch and Paul Stevens and all the supporting volunteers for their continued help in delivering and putting up the tree.
The Chairman wished everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year.
2020-12_6. CLERKS REPORT
- Correspondence: A reminder has been received regarding the playing field charity annual return due next January. A grant application has been received from Dial-a-Ride. A request to temporarily place the school clothes recycling bin next to the village hall was approved.
- A quote was received for repairing badger damage. Cllr Warden will investigate further recommendations.
- A quote was reviewed for installing a street light near Brandown Close. Permission is being sought regarding property access for an electrical connection.
- The leaf vacuum and brush cutter were ordered, delivered and successfully implemented in the upkeep of the footpaths by the village operative. The Clerk will contact BANES to request that road next to the school be cleaned of the rotting leaves.
- RESOLVED: The council adopted the supplementary standing orders relating to recommended procedures for remote meetings:
- RESOLVED: The council approved the use and hire rates relating to a request from Cameley school to use the village hall as a teaching space during school refurbishments.
- Noted: The council will continue with the maintenance and the monthly report for the defibrillator on the garage and the school.
2020-12_7. FINANCE
Refer to APPENDIX 1: Monthly Cash Book Entries
- Noted: regular payments for the month totalling: £1561.68
- Noted: credit card payments for the month totalling: £925.51
- RESOLVED payments approved for the month totalling: £1793.12
- Noted: Income for the month totalling: £1087.48
- RESOLVED bank reconciliation (Refer to APPENDIX 2 Bank Reconciliation)
- The agenda item regarding a repeat order for annual play inspection, currently £139, was postponed.
2020-12_8. ANNUAL BUDGET FOR 2021-2022
The recommendations of the finance working party were reviewed.
RESOLVED: Annual budget for 2021-22 as recommended by the finance working party, which comprises expected income of £33,958 and expected expenses of £39,718. The expected £5759 shortfall of income is mainly due to a drop in village hall bookings due to coronavirus and would be covered by drawing from reserves including part of the small business grant received in 2020-2021.
2020-12_9. PRECEPT FOR 2021-2022
The recommendations of the finance working party were reviewed.
RESOLVED: Precept for 2021-22: £30,396
Request for Consultation:
Application Type: Full Application
Site Location: Negumbo Cameley Road Cameley Bristol Bath And North East Somerset BS39 5AG
Description of Proposal: Erection of double garage.
Reference Number: 20/04484/FUL
RESOLVED: The Parish Council does not object to this proposal.
Noted: updates to report from previous planning applications
20/03604/OUT – The Square – Status: Application Refused
The updates were reviewed from Cllr Neary on information gathered and options for restoring the war memorial. The list of names was discussed and further research will be undertaken by Cllr Neary and distributed to the council.
The pump track survey results were reviewed. It was noted that a significant part of the community had responded and that the different age groups of the community had all been well represented. The results showed significant support for the pump track. There were ideas and concerns raised in the comments, which included questions on the size of the pump track and the possibility of anti social behaviour. Research and advice from other councils was noted regarding these issues and further research will be undertaken to ensure that the concerns raised will be carefully considered. Further action will be undertaken following the survey results to prepare for submitting a tender.
Cllr Marsh will prepare a summary of the survey results.
2020-12_13. ACTION PLAN
The action plan was reviewed and further development of the plan was discussed. The Clerk will update the action plan following further comments from the council members. Approval for the adoption of the Action Plan will be considered at a future meeting.
Cllr Warden left the meeting due to technical problems about 9.30pm after the resolution of item 2020-12_15 but before the completion of item 2020-12_14. Item 2020-12_14 was moved to the end of the meeting.
Pursuant to the provision of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the press and public were excluded from the meeting for the following items of business by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted: To consider HR matters.
The clerk gave a presentation on working hours and a request for overtime. The Clerk left the meeting at 9.40pm to allow a confidential discussion on HR matters among council members.
RESOLVED: To pay the Clerk overtime to cover additional tasks, comprising 31 hours already completed and a further 13 weeks at 4 hours per week up to w/c 29 Mar 2021. The Chairman would confirm the details to the Clerk.
RESOLVED: Date of next scheduled meeting of the Parish Council: Tuesday 12th January 2021
The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.20pm
- Status: Approved