pump track design

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on 10th November 2020

APPENDIX 1: Monthly Cash Book Entries

Regular payments for the month:

06/10/2020PY2011-76 ‘Staff salaries, expenses and pension1554.39 1554.39
03/10/2020PY2011-77CuroGarage Hire44.238.8553.08
03/10/2020PY2011-78Water2BusinessUtilities –  Sports Pavilion and Village Hall combined18.00 18.00
03/10/2020PY2011-79EDF EnergyUtilities – Sports Pavilion5.831.177.00
03/10/2020PY2011-80EDF EnergyREFUND Utilities Sports pavillion-23.28-4.66-27.93
03/10/2020PY2011-81EDF EnergyUtilities – Village Hall108.3321.67130.00
28/10/2020PY2011-82VodafoneMobile phone monthly sim5.121.026.14
12/10/2020PY2011-83ICOICO registration fee35.00 35.00

Subtotal: £1775.68

Credit Card Payments to note:

29/09/2020PY2011-50SLCCCilca fees350.00 350.00
08/10/2020PY2011-51c storesmower fuel2.390.482.87
08/10/2020PY2011-52DJPEco fuel16.673.3320.00
13/10/3030PY2011-55Amazon Media EU SARLOffice 365 Order37.6610.3347.99
21/10/2020PY2011-53LidlDonation to village larder200.03 200.03
08/10/2020PY2011-51c storesmower fuel – cancelled-2.39-0.48-2.87
28/10/2020PY2009-54monthly feelloyds3.00 3.00

Subtotal: £621.02

Payments to approve:

11/11/2020PY2011-90J HarveyCut hedges98.0019.60117.60
11/11/2020PY2011-91HMRCP30 to 5th Oct229.23 229.23

Subtotal £346.83

Income for the month:

RC2010-01 01/10/2020  Precept BANES     13,570.00
RC2010-02 01/10/2020  Interest Nationwide            17.26
RC2010-03 05/10/2020  A Watson            78.00
RC2010-04 08/10/2020  BANES WEF          200.00
RC2010-05 08/10/2020  A Watson          182.00
RC2010-06 26/10/2020  Sungazer (film co)          150.00

Subtotal: £14,197.26