pump track design

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting on 4th May 2021

APPENDIX 3: Bank Reconciliation 27 April 2021

Reconciliation of balances,
(*This month, taken from bank transactions downloaded to 27th Apr 2021 and not bank statements)
Balance per bank statements  
Current Account Unity*  
Reserve Account Unity48,497.08 
Nationwide Savings Acc85,000.00 
SUBTOTAL bank statements 133,497.08
Less unpresented payments 0.00
Unbanked cash 0.00
NET BALANCES 133,497.08
The net balances reconcile to the Cash Book (receipts and payments account) as follows:  
Opening Balance at 1 April 2021 113,306.06
Add: Receipts in the year 23,226.88
Less: Payments in the year  -3035.86
CLOSING BALANCE per Cash Book  133,497.08