pump track design

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting: 9th Nov 2021, 7:30pm

Meeting Location: Temple Cloud Village Hall

Present: Cllr Sebright (Chairman), Cllr Box, Cllr Cass, Cllr Marsh and Cllr Neary
Also Present: Clerk: Philip Edwards, BANES Dst Cllr David Wood and 2 members of the public


A member of the public raised the issue of the danger of speeding near the junction of the A37 and Peterside. The Parish Council will report this to the police and request mobile cameras to visit the area. It was recommended that members of the public also regularly report this to the police and request mobile cameras to visit.

A member of the public asked questions and made representation regarding safety, access to driveways and proposals regarding additional double yellow lines on Brandown Close. The Parish Council noted the issues and received three written statements from members of the public. The council highlighted that this item of business was transacted in the October meeting and is expected to be reviewed next year. It was highlighted that BANES will be conducting a public consultation for any changes this year.

District Councillor David Wood gave an update on the Temple Cloud Garage and Shop having spoken to the regional manager. It was reported that there are recruitment vacancies that have caused reduced opening times, and a recruitment drive is planned. The Village Larder is considering food packages for people in most need over Christmas. Hedge trimming, flooding and leaves have recently been addressed by BANES.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Warden.


There were no requests of dispensations or declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests in accordance with the PC Code of Conduct.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council which took place on Tuesday 12th October 2021 were approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman.


The Chairman gave an update on previous discussions with Dst Cllr Wood regarding Double Yellow Lines and Christmas Tree plans.

The Chairman expressed his sadness at the loss of resident Andy Lunness who died recently. The Chairman extended his sympathies to the family of Andy who was a valued and well known member of the community and had three children pass through the primary school.

2021-11_6. CLERK’S REPORT

  • The Clerk completed playground inspection training with ‘The Register of Play Inspectors International’ and qualified for ‘Outdoor Routine Inspector’ which is valid until Oct 2024.
  • All documentation and supporting evidence has been submitted to renew the council’s LCAS Foundation Award.
  • Temple Cloud Shop as an asset of community value: Three residents responded who were willing to work together on proposals for an application. An email has been sent to the residents should they wish to take further action on a proposal.
  • Double Yellow Lines: The consultation response from the Parish Council was submitted to BANES. BANES confirmed that the suggested proposals on Temple Inn Lane allow for large lorries to pass safely past parked cars. BANES confirmed that Brandown Close is in the process of being adopted. Further correspondence from a member of the public was shared with councillors.
  • The table in the gazebo has been fire-damaged. This was been reported to police who have since visited. Repairs will need to be made to the table and the gazebo roof has outstanding repairs to consider. Cllr Cass agreed to contact a business in Eastcourt Rd regarding a table top. The Clerk agreed to investigate if there are suitable spare parts available from HAGS.

RESOLVED: The Clerk was advised to look into replacing the table top with a safe fireproof material.

RESOLVED: To proceed with the annual play inspection with The Play Inspection Co, at discounted rate, £139 +VAT


Requests for consultation:

Application Reference21/04782/FUL
Application Address: Cinderlands, Cameley Road, Cameley, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5AF
Proposal: Erection of detached bungalow.

RESOLVED: The Parish Council SUPPORT this application.

Application Reference21/04905/FUL
Application Address: 13 Meadway, Temple Cloud, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5BD
Proposal: Erection of a single storey side and rear extension to replace existing garage and conservatory.

RESOLVED: The Parish Council SUPPORT this application.

Noted: updates from previous planning applications:

2021-11_8. FINANCE

Refer to ‘2021-11 PCM: Finance Reports’:

  1. RESOLVED: payments to approve listed on ‘2021-11 PCM: Finance Reports’ totalling £768.50. Cllrs Neary and Sebright agreed to authorise the payments online.
  2. Noted: payments and Income to report
  3. Noted: The bank reconciliation for October has been checked and signed by Cllr Cass
  4. Noted: Year to date spend against budget
  5. Noted: A Date for the finance working party to plan the 2022 budget proposals was agreed


This item of business was moved by the Chairman to proceed item 2021-11_5.

Plans for the Christmas Tree were reviewed. It was proposed to hold an event to switch on the tree lights on the evening of 12th December. Cam Bridge farm has kindly offered to supply a Christmas Tree. Dst Cllr David Wood offered to contact volunteers to help put up the tree and arrange an event similar to 2019. It was proposed to arrange a public event with drinks and mince pies if there are no restrictions on public meetings. Cllr Neary will set up communications to coordinate the event within the Parish Council.

2021-11_10. PUMP TRACK

Grant applications were reviewed for the pump track.

2021-11_11. VILLAGE HALL

Noted: Village Hall Gutter Repairs: A complete replacement has been advised due to deterioration of the gutter and absence of spares for old guttering. Quotes are being sought.

  • RESOLVED: A Request for short term occasional use of Village Hall Car Park for a mobile office trailer by school builders in Nov/Dec was approved.
  • RESOLVED: The press and public were excluded due to confidential commercial contracts to be discussed.
  • RESOLVED: The quotation from Dando was approved to book works for summer 2022 for brickwork on the village hall, subject to confirmation of material costs nearer the time.


RESOLVED: Date of next meeting: Tuesday 14th December 2021, 7:30pm

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 21:35

Agreed as a correct record, signed on 14th December 2021 by the Chairman of the meeting:
(Chairman initial all other pages)