pump track design

[DRAFT] Minutes of Parish Council Meeting: 21st January 2025, 7:30pm

Clerk: Philip Edwards (CiLCA) | Tel: 07591 257067 |
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Councillors Present: Sara Box (Chairman), Jon Elford, Andrew Kirkby, Jon Sebright and Mark Wilson (Vice Chairman)

Also Present: Philip Edwards (Clerk), and six members of the public


Questions and subjects raised for discussion by members of the public included:

  • A request for grit bins – the council agreed to raise this request with Dst Cllr D Wood
  • The danger to pedestrians on the A37, for example crossing the road at the Dr Surgery
  • The danger to pedestrians on Eastcourt Road due to speeding vehicles and the unsuitable speed limit. The council agreed to raise a request for a reduced speed limit along the road
  • A dangerous hole in the roadside wall with dangerous drops to pedestrians left by a road traffic accident. The council agreed to request the council to address this with highways
  • Objections raised regarding planning application reference: 24/04268/FUL: Holmlea , Eastcourt Road. The objections were noted for review by the Parish Council
  • A member of the public sought clarification regarding the information emailed by Dst Cllr Wood regarding average speed cameras. Dst Cllr Wood had sent apologies to the council for absence and was not present to provide any clarification.


2501_[2]  Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies for absence.

2501_[3]  Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests.

2501_[4] Confirmation of Minutes

RESOLVED: The Parish Council meeting minutes of Tuesday 19th November 2024 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by Chairman.

REPORTS – To receive and note any reports

2501_[5] Chairman’s Report

  • The Chairman highlighted the successful event to switch on the Christmas Tree lights. The volunteers involved with providing and putting up the Christmas Tree were thanked, including Hector Main for providing the tree, Neil and Bev from the Old Court for providing power for the lights, Paul Stevens and Kayleigh and Jon Sage for help to put up the tree and then take it down after Christmas

2501_[6] Clerk’s Report

  • A report was received from the Clerk covering the following:
    • Internal audit review is booked for beginning of February
    • Reviewed: Request for use of village hall as emergency assembly point
    • Reviewed: Request re animal therapy session at hall
    • Fire Safety Audit visit had been booked by Fire Safety Officer
    • Village Hall notice board had been forced open which broke the lock. The lock was replaced using old parts from the old notice board door.
    • CCTV signs have been ripped off the village hall entrance posts
  • Noted: correspondence shared with council members listed in the appendix.

2501_[7] Members Reports, Responsibilities and Meetings Attended

  • There were no reports on members’ responsibilities or attendance of outside bodies.

2501_[8] Highways

  • Reviewed: Pedestrian crossing safety – it was reported that there had been several near misses with pedestrians on the crossing due to traffic not stopping at the red lights. The council agreed to raise a request with BANES regarding a possible red light camera.
  • Reviewed: Request for grit bin. This item of business was raised in the public participation and the council agreed to highlight this request with Dst Cllr Wood

2501_[9] Ward Councillor’s Report

  • There was no report received from BANES District Cllr David Wood, who sent apologies for absence

2501_[10] Village Hall and Open Spaces Reports

  • Noted: Hire of hall for music event had been moved to March
  • RESOLVED: Approval of regular hire details ref email sent to councillors 14-1-25
  • Reviewed: Space needed under stage for storage

2501_[11] FINANCE

This item of business was moved to proceed item 2501_[13]

Payments and Income (see appendix 2025-01 Finance Reports)

  • RESOLVED: payments to approve as listed in finance reports.
  • Noted: finance reports including payments, income and bank reconciliation


  1. RESOLVED: Budget for 2025/26, expenditure was set at £51,757
  2. RESOLVED: Precept for 2025/26 was set at £44,000


Application Reference25/00013/AGRN
Application Address: Cam Bridge Barn , Temple Bridge, Temple Cloud, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5AA
Proposal: Construction of shed to house a wood processor, logs and Christmas trees
RESOLVED Parish Council Response: The Parish Council was unable to ascertain the location of the proposed shed from the documentation and was therefore unable to provide a resolution on this application

Application Reference24/04268/FUL
Application Address: Holmlea , Eastcourt Road, Temple Cloud, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5BT
RESOLVED: The Parish Council reported that the majority of the public had objected to this planning application. Members of the public highlighted that the location was outside of the development boundary, which was contrary to the details stated in the application. Members of the public also highlighted that accessibility was poor, with no suitable pedestrian routes to local amenities, such as the shops, doctor surgery or bus stops.

Application Reference24/04537/LBA
Application Address: The Refuge , The Green, Temple Cloud, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5BW
Proposal: External work to install 19 solar panels on south-west facing roof.
RESOLVED: The Parish Council SUPPORTS this application

Application Reference24/03221/FUL
Application Address: The Refuge , The Green, Temple Cloud, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5BW
Proposal: Installation of 19 solar panels on south-west facing roof.
RESOLVED: The Parish Council SUPPORTS this application

Application Reference24/04156/EFUL
Application Address: Parcel 15628, Stowey Road, Stowey, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset,
Proposal: Construction, operation and decommission of a 49.9MW capacity solar farm on land south of Stowey Road, consisting of ground mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays and associated development including transformers and switchgear, electrical substations, substation compound, a telecommunications mast, cabling, utilities, access tracks, perimeter fencing, landscaping and areas for biodiversity net gain (BNG) enhancement.
RESOLVED Parish Council Response: The Parish Council did not reach a conclusive resolution for this application. The Parish Council reported that the views of members were evenly split with members expressing both support and objection to the planning application.

Noted: recent updates, see ‘Temple Cloud’ under ‘PARISH’ on BANES website:


  • Noted: there were no requests for business to be considered at the next meeting
  • RESOLVED: Date of next meeting: Tuesday 11th February 2025, 7.30pm


The annual meeting for Cameley Playing Field Charity followed this meeting.


There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 21:30

Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)