Table of Contents
Clerk: Philip Edwards (CiLCA) | Tel: 07591 257067 |
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Councillors Present: Sara Box (Chairman), Andrew Kirkby, Jon Sebright and Mark Wilson (Vice Chairman)
Also Present: Philip Edwards (Clerk) and three members of the public
- The following subjects were raised during the public participation:
- Drainage on a proposed footpath behind Molly Close – the Parish Council confirmed this was a BANES initiative and had no further information
- Traffic speed camera funding and correspondence with Dst Cllr D Wood
2411_[2] Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Jon Elford
2411_[3] Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests.
2411_[4] Confirmation of Minutes
RESOLVED: The Parish Council meeting minutes of Tuesday 15th October 2024 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by Chairman.
REPORTS – To receive and note any reports
2411_[5] Chairman’s Report
- The Chairman reported on a successful fund raising event at the village hall and thanked the Parish Council for supporting the event.
2411_[6] Clerk’s Report
- Christmas Tree – The new owner of Temple Bridge Christmas Tree Farm has generously offered to provide and deliver a Christmas tree for the benefit of the community
- RESOLVED: The council decided to hold the Christmas tree lights switch on event on Saturday 14th December at 6.00pm
- The Clerk had purchased Christmas Tree lights and the risk assessment had been updated accordingly
- RESOLVED: Confirmation of 2024-25 local government pay scales recently agreed with NJC as specified by staff employment contract with effect from 1 April 2024
- Noted: correspondence shared with council members.
- Noted: Correspondence with Temple Cloud in Bloom regarding hedge trimming between the village hall car park and Brandown Close had been shared with councillors
2411_[7] Members Reports, Responsibilities and Meetings Attended
- The Clerk had attended the BANES local plan briefing and gave a report on the main details
2411_[8] Ward Councillor’s Report
- There was no report received from BANES District Cllr David Wood
2411_[9] Village Hall and Open Spaces Reports
- The Chairman suggested that providing more mugs, tea towels and J cloths would improve the hire facilities
- The Chairman requested the Clerk to ask Brandown Close estate management if they could add solar lighting to the footpath between the estate and the pub
2411_[10] FINANCE
Payments and Income (see appendix 2024-11 Finance Reports)
- RESOLVED: payments to approve as listed in finance reports.
- Noted: finance reports including payments, income and bank reconciliation
- RESOLVED: Bank Mandate review and addition of Cllr Bubb to Unity and Nationwide Bank Accounts
- RESOLVED: Grant application for Cameley Church church yard grass cutting and maintenance
RESOLVED: Application Reference: 24/03904/TPO
The parish council SUPPORTS this application
Application Address: 14A Molly Close, Temple Cloud, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5AE
Proposal: T5 ash tree – fell
- RESOLVED: Options for the date of the next meeting Tuesday 21st January 2025, 7.30pm
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 20:36
Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)
- Status: Approved