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[DRAFT] Minutes of Parish Council Meeting: 15th October 2024, 7:30pm

Clerk: Philip Edwards (CiLCA) | Tel: 07591 257067 |
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Councillors Present: Sara Box (Chairman), Jon Elford, Jon Sebright and Carl Bubb

Also Present: Philip Edwards (Clerk) and three members of the public


  • A member of the public shared questions for the attention of District Councillor Wood. The council offered to follow up these questions if the member of public emailed the questions to the Clerk.
  • Further options for the CCTV were presented by a member of the public. The council confirmed approval of the proposed amended CCTV scheme. Authority to proceed with this item of business had been delegated to the Clerk at a prior meeting and the Clerk requested the member of the public to proceed with the council’s recommendations with the revised proposal. (see item 2410-9 for details approved)
  • The council reviewed a question regarding public use of the village hall toilets during private hire events. (see item 2410-9 for details approved)


Note: Cllr Elford arrived at 8.00pm towards the end of the public participation session. The Chairman then opened the parish council meeting.

2410_[2]  Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Kirkby and Wilson

2410_[3]  Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests

2410_[4] Confirmation of Minutes

RESOLVED: The Parish Council meeting minutes of Tuesday 17th September 2024 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by Chairman

Note: Item 2410-10 – Co-option of a new councillor was moved to proceed approval of the minutes

REPORTS – To receive and note any reports

2410_[5] Chairman’s Report

  • There was no report from the Chairman

2410_[6] Clerk’s Report

  • Noted: correspondence shared with council members listed in the appendix

2410_[7] Members Reports, Responsibilities and Meetings Attended

  • There were no reports on members’ responsibilities or attendance of outside bodies

2410_[8] Ward Councillor’s Report

  • There was no report from BANES District Cllr David Wood

2410_[9] Village Hall and Open Spaces Reports

  • Clutton AFC had taken down the old goal posts and marked out two junior pitches
  • Cllr Wilson had taken away the old goal posts
  • The council reviewed further advice on the football nets and agreed that the nets should be taken down when not being supervised
  • The Clerk had contacted the football foundation regarding a grant application for 6’x12′ 7v7 goals for the U9 teams
  • £1000 grant had been received from Ward Councillor Empowerment Fund towards the purchase and installation of the U11 goal posts
  • The Clerk reported that the 5 yearly EICR inspection was due for the village hall. The council requested the Clerk to confirm the statutory requirements regarding EICR specifically for the village hall.
  • The gate hinge had been fitted in the playground
  • Review of toilet use by football supporters at private village hall hire events: The council approved adding a keypad lock to the village hall door along with private hire signage to support hirers with management of access during private events
  • Review of CCTV options: The council approved use of colour cameras as opposed to dome cameras on the lower front of the building along with the addition of a scanning long lens camera on the back of the building in place of two fixed cameras

2410_[10] Co-option of new Council Member

This item of business was moved to proceed co-option of the minutes. Cllr Elford was present for the vote on the co-option and then left the meeting at 8.10pm after Cllr Bubb had been co-opted as a new member to the Parish Council. This maintained a constant quorum of three or more councillors at the meeting.

  • Reviewed: applications and eligibility for co-option
  • RESOLVED: To co-opt Carl Bubb to the Parish Council
  • The declarations of acceptance of office was signed and received by the Clerk

2410_[11] FINANCE

Payments and Income (see appendix 2024-10 Finance Reports)

  • RESOLVED: payments to approve as listed in finance reports
  • Noted: finance reports including payments, income and bank reconciliation
  • Noted: year to date spend against budget


Noted: recent updates published by BANES


RESOLVED: Review and approval of the following policies:

PAT Testing Risk Assessment:
The council reviewed the risk assessment and revised the periods of both visual inspections and PAT testing to reflect current usage of equipment. The council requested PAT testing to be done on a 2 yearly basis. Any items with visual faults to be tested, removed from service or replaced in between PAT tests.

Approved: Regular Payments listed in the appendix, which had been checked and signed by Cllr Box against the bank account lists

Risk Assessment – Christmas Lights and Christmas Tree:
The council reviewed a safe maximum height for a Christmas Tree. The Clerk was requested to check if a tree would continue to be gifted to the council. The council requested the Clerk to purchase new lights for the tree.


  • Noted: there were no requests for business to be considered at the next meeting
  • RESOLVED: Date of next meeting: Tuesday 19th November 2024, 7.30pm


There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 21:30

Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)