pump track design

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting: 14th March 2023, 7:30pm

Councillors Present: Sara Box (Vice Chairman), David Cottis, Jon Elford, Andrew Kirkby, Stephen Marsh, Helen Neary, Jon Sebright and Philip Warden (Chairman)
Also Present: David Wood (BANES District Councillor), Philip Edwards (Clerk)


There were no contributions from members of the public.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Wilson


There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests.


RESOLVED: The Parish Council meeting minutes of Tuesday 21st February 2023 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by Chairman.

2303_[5] REPORTS

Cllr Marsh arrived at 7.54 during the reports

(a) Chairman’s Report

  • The Chairman noted planning application updates and community feedback regarding the coronation plans.

(b) Clerk’s Report

  • Members of the community were being encouraged to stand for election in May – recruitment media had been updated. Details for candidates had been posted on the website.
  • Photo ID would now be required to vote at the next election in May – details had been posted on the website
  • Fraud training – The Cyber Protect officer from Avon and Somerset police had offered training for the parish council and local community regarding cyber fraud. This training would be open to members of the public and is provisionally planned for 13th June, 6.30pm. This would be just before the main meeting and is yet to be finalised after the May elections.
  • Avon and Somerset Police neighbourhood team had been invited to attend future meetings to be available for the public to ask questions and report on activity in the area. PCSO Comer had sent apologies for not being able to attend this meeting. The clerk had subscribed to the neighbourhood watch alerts for the area.
  • Reviewed: Cancellation of bus routes in Chew Valley.
  • ALCA were currently offering e-learning online training, including introduction to local councils course free to members of the council.
  • A large drainage cover to the side of the village hall car park had been removed repeatedly. This would be monitored.
  • The website and email hosting transfer had been completed. Technical issues that had not been resolved with the previous host were now resolved with the new host. The new hosting price would give a 50% saving to the parish council at current prices.
  • Noted: correspondence shared with council members listed in appendix.

(c) Members Reports and Ward Councillors Report

  • There were no reports from council members on responsibilities or attendance of outside bodies.
  • Noted, the next parish liaison meeting 15/3/2023,18:30 in Keynsham
  • Dst Cllr David Wood reported that the district council budget had been approved by vote. Funding for liveable neighbourhoods had been approved. Cameley Road resurfacing had been completed.
  • Dst Cllr David Wood offered to follow up on a previous request for road lines at the bottom of Brandon Close.

(d) Pump Track Report:

  • Planning permission had been granted for the pump track
  • Velosolutions were addressing the planning requirement for demonstrating net biodiversity gains with drawings to show the planting scheme of wildflowers
  • The next stages planned included a pre-site meeting with Velosolutions, to be arranged this month, with a potential plan to start work in April.
  • RESOLVED: To confirm that all current members of the council are appointed as members of the pump track committee.
  • Cllr Neary was looking into a match funding request now that planning permission had been approved.
  • The 23rd Sept was agreed as a date to arrange a pump track party subject to confirmation on completion of the installation.

2303_[6] FINANCE

Payments and income – see appendix 2023-03 Finance Reports

  1. RESOLVED: payments approved listed in finance reports.
  2. Noted: payments and Income
    • Income from the village hall was reviewed and it was noted that plans and ideas to revitalise the village hall would be looked at later in the year.
    • Cllr Sebright had reviewed and signed a list of booking invoices, payments received and payments outstanding for the year to date.
  3. Noted: Bank reconciliation
  4. RESOLVED: A confidential session to review HR matters was not required
  5. RESOLVED: An annual one point scale increment from April 2023 to SCP23 was approved in accordance with the Clerk’s contract of employment.


Application Reference23/00697/FUL
Application Address: Stoneacre Bungalow , Stowey Road, Clutton, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5TG
Proposal: Erection of garden room for games and extension of existing shed for storage of mower.

RESOLVED: The Parish Council do not object to this planning application


A registration of interest survey for coronation mugs had been sent to subscribers of the newsletter, posted on facebook and on the website. See:

Feedback from the local community was reviewed regarding coronation mugs, including responses to the online survey and issues raised in social media posts. The council reviewed both the support for the supply of mugs shown in the survey and the views raised by members of the public in social media. In view of community feedback, it was decided to look into the installation of a coronation bench to commemorate the coronation rather than provide commemoration mugs. All members of the council agreed to research and send ideas for the style and design of a bench, and submit to the Clerk for resolution at the April meeting.

RESOLVED: The Parish Council would not purchase coronation mugs.


RESOLVED: The date of the annual parish meeting: May 16, 2023  7:00 pm – 7:30 pm


RESOLVED: Date of next meeting: Tuesday 18th April 2023, 7.30pm


There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 20:44

Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)