Table of Contents
Present: Cllr Sebright (Chairman), Cllr Box
Present via zoom: Cllr Marsh
Apologies received from: Cllr Cass, Cllr Marsh, Cllr Neary, Cllr Warden
Also Present: Dst Cllr D Wood, 1 member of the public, Philip Edwards (Clerk)
The meeting was declared inquorate. The Chairman closed the meeting.
Appendix – Record of Business Delegated to the Clerk
In accordance with Standing Order 5.2, The Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman was authorised to progress the following business that was considered essential to the continued running of the Council:
A consultation was held the hear the views of a member of the public regarding double yellow lines around Brandown Close. This business will be adjourned to the next meeting for a response from the Parish Council.
2021-07_8. CLERKS REPORT
The council will accept the invitation that had been received for a stall at the flower show to promote the parish council.
2021-07_9. FINANCE
Refer to finance report: ‘2021-07 PCM: Finance Reports’:
- Payments to approve totalling £1090.69 listed on ‘2021-07 PCM: Finance Reports’ had been checked and signed by Cllr Cass and were authorised by the Clerk in accordance with financial regulations 5.5. This was also agreed in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman.
Application Reference: 21/02960/FUL
Application Address: Stoneacre Bungalow, Stowey Road, Clutton, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5TG
Proposal: Change of use of agricultural field to form extension to the residential curtilage of Stoneacre Bungalow.
(Response Due 16/7/21)
The Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman & Cllr Marsh was authorised to submit the response:
‘The council have no objection to this application‘
Application Reference: 21/02982/FUL
Application Address: Beth Barah, Stowey Road, Clutton, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5TG
Proposal: Erection of two storey side extension, rear single storey summer room extension and front porch
(Response Due 22/7/21)
The Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman & Cllr Marsh was authorised to submit the response:
‘The council support this application‘
2021-07_11. VILLAGE HALL
The Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman & Cllr Marsh was requested to:
- Obtain revised quotes for the building works to cover bricking up the panels without any extra doors or windows.
- Obtain quotes to replace the broken circular window with a panelled option.
- Obtain further details regarding longevity and recommendations regarding the quotations to reseal the wooden floor.
The Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman & Cllr Marsh was requested to invite a proposal from Rockaway Forrest community garden for the S106 greenspace fund.
(10/01554FUL (09/04515/FUL) – Goldney House, Temple Cloud: £7,628.74, expires 25/11/2021)
The Clerk was delegated with buying a webcam for the next meeting.
The Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman & Cllr Marsh was requested to adjourn all other business to the next meeting: Tuesday 14th September 2021
Agreed as a correct record, signed on 14/9/2021 by Chairman of the meeting:
(Chairman initial all other pages)
- Status: Approved