Minutes of Parish Council Meeting: 13th December 2022, 7:30pm Table of Contents Toggle2212_[1] PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION2212_[2] APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE2212_[3] DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST2212_[4] CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING2212_[5] REPORTS(a) Chairman’s Report(b) Clerk’s Report(c) Members Reports(d) Pump Track Report:2212_[6] FINANCEPayments and income – see appendix 2022-12 Finance Reports2212_[7] BUDGET AND PRECEPT2212_[8] PLANNING APPLICATIONS2212_[9] DATE OF NEXT MEETINGAppendix 1: Meeting documents and reports2022-12 Finance Reports[DRAFT] Minutes of Parish Council Meeting: 8th November 2022, 7:30pmAppendix 2: CorrespondenceAppendix 3: Forms for members Appendix 3: Forms for members Public Participation Form Track and Trace Form Track and Trace Privacy Notice Status: ApprovedPages: 1 2 3