Table of Contents
Councillors Present: Sara Box (Vice Chairman), Sara Cass, Jon Elford, Stephen Marsh, Helen Neary, Jon Sebright and Philip Warden (Chairman)
Also Present: Philip Edwards (Clerk) and one member of the public
Also present via online link: Dst Cllr David Wood
A member of the public raised questions regarding the role of the parish council, environmentally friendly activities, contributing to local activities and the planning application from Vistry Homes.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Mark Wilson and David Cottis.
A declaration of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests was received from Cllr H Neary regarding payments for approval.
RESOLVED: The Parish Council meeting minutes of Wednesday 20th July 2022 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by Chairman.
The Chairman moved the ward councillors report along with items 2210_[10], 2210[8] to this part of the meeting
2210_[5] REPORTS
(a) Chairman’s Report
- The Chairman expressed thanks on behalf of the Parish Council to everyone who helped with the cake sale, in particularly to Rachel and Rosie Belton and Jackie McCarthy for their roles in making this event such a success.
- The Chairman gave a report on the council’s attendance at the flower show. It was noted that there were several visitors to the council stand and members of the public raised questions about council activities.
(b) Clerk’s Report
- The Parish Council thanked Hinton Blewett Village Hall for their donation of chairs for the village hall and thanked Cllrs Wilson and Warden for delivering the new chairs and taking the old chairs for recycling.
- The Clerk reported on the set up of a Mailchimp account to manage community emails. Sign up options are on the website and were promoted on facebook and at the flower show.
- Noted: correspondence received and shared with councillors (see appendix). Cllrs J Sebright and J Elford offered to represent the council at meetings regarding the new local plan.
- An invitation from B&NES to the liveable neighbourhoods co-design exhibition was promoted online and forwarded to subscribers of the parish council newsletter.
- The defibrillator was accessed twice in August with the garage normally the first point of call. The model with readily available consumables was moved from the school to the garage.
- The payroll provider had given notice that it would no longer be providing services. The Clerk had selected HMRC approved Shape payroll software to process and submit reports to HMRC in house. The current payroll provider has checked the new set up and payslips produced on this software and confirmed that the figures produced were correct.
RESOLVED: The Clerk was authorised to perform payroll in house and upgrade the paid payroll software subscription at £5 per month to allow integration with NEST pension reporting and portal facilities for delivering payslips.
(c) Members Reports
- A report was received regarding the liveable neighbourhoods co-design exhibition
(d) Pump Track Report:
- The Clerk had confirmed the offer of aggregate from Weaver Demolition and informed Velosolutions to coordinate with Weaver Demolition. The council expressed their thanks to Cllr Wilson for setting up this offer and to Weaver Demolition for this generous donation to the community.
- The planning application has been submitted. Residents are encouraged to submit comments to support the application.
- Cllr Neary reported on the success of the cake sale and crowdfunding campaign in raising over £2000 within 2 days of the campaign launching. It was reported that the stretch target of £3000 had been activated. It was reported that match funding may be applied for once planning permission has been granted.
- Cllr Neary reported on an offer received from the Molson Group for two excavators. The council expressed their thanks to Martyn Tucker from Molson for the provision of two excavators for the pump track build.
(e) Village Hall Report:
- It was noted that the brickwork on the village hall had been successfully completed.
- It was reported that all YOGA classes had been cancelled.
- It was noted that the Parish Council had expressed support to provide the Village Hall for a charity yogathon
2210_[6] FINANCE
(a) Payments and income – see appendix 2022-10 Finance Reports
- RESOLVED: payments to approve listed in finance reports, to be authorised online by Cllrs Box and Marsh
- Noted: payments and Income
- Noted: bank reconciliation statement checked and signed by Cllr Elford
- RESOLVED: To give notice to transfer £25000 from Nationwide 95 notice account to Unity current account on 25/1/2023, form signed by Cllrs Warden and Box
(b) External Audit arrangements
RESOLVED: To remain with the SAAA central external auditor appointment and to NOT opt out.
RESOLVED: To receive the notice of conclusion of audit which has been published on the parish council website.
Application Reference: 22/03680/FUL
Application Address: Recreation Ground , Meadway, Temple Cloud, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5BD
Proposal: Development of wheeled sports facility (pump track) with associated drainage.
RESOLVED: The council supports this application. The council noted the significant community support for this application demonstrated by a public consultation in December 2020, along with a design consultation in September and over £2000 of financial donations to support the project by over 46 members of the community over the first two days of a crowdfunding campaign and cake sale in September 2022.
Site Location: Parcel 2320 Temple Inn Lane Temple Cloud Bristol Bath And North East Somerset
Description of Proposal: Outline planning application with all matters reserved except for access for a development of up to 65 dwellings (Use Class C3), green infrastructure, public open space, drainage works, and other associated infrastructure works.
Name of Applicant: Vistry Homes Ltd
Reference Number: 22/03565/OUT
The council postponed resolving a response for this planning consultation to the next meeting in November to allow for a public consultation and further research of the application and the public responses.
Noted: planning application updates:
Reviewed: Risk Assessment and Christmas tree plans. It was noted that a limit on the height of the tree may need to be considered in the future.
It was decided that further plans for the Christmas tree would be covered at the next meeting in November. Dst Cllr Wood offered to coordinate volunteers for the event and to arrange a date in early December. The Clerk would check arrangements for electric power of the Christmas Tree.
2210_[10] VISTRY HOMES
- An invitation was received from Vistry Homes to meet to discuss their proposals for development. The invitation has been acknowledged and forwarded to council.
- Cllr Sebright had shared the following news link, to highlight issues about energy efficient, eco friendly development: - RESOLVED: To accept the invitation for a public consultation from Vistry Homes, if possible to be arranged by the end of October for an evening at the village hall.
Quotations were reviewed to refurbish the perishing parts of the wooden bus shelter in Cameley.
RESOLVED: The Clerk was instructed to further research details of the quotations. The Clerk noted instructions from the council on the preferred parameters to select a quotation and was authorised to proceed with a budget of up to £750.
RESOLVED: Approval of the grant application for £450 from Cameley PCC for grass cutting.
Items requested for consideration at the next meeting included a date for the launch of the pump track and arrangements for the King’s coronation.
RESOLVED: Date of next meeting: Tuesday 8th November 2022, 7.30pm
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 20:59
Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)
- Status: Approved