pump track design

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting: 10th October 2023, 7:30pm

Clerk: Philip Edwards (CiLCA) | Tel: 07591 257067 |
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Councillors Present: David Cottis, Jon Elford, Andrew Kirkby, Jon Sebright (Chairman) and Mark Wilson (Vice Chairman)

Also Present: Philip Edwards (Clerk)


There was no public participation contributed by members of the public.


2310_[2]  Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Box and Warden

2310_[3]  Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests.

2310_[4] Confirmation of Minutes

RESOLVED: The Parish Council meeting minutes of Tuesday 12th September 2023 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by Chairman.

2310_[5] Co-option of new Council Member

  • There are two vacancies on the Parish Council. Members of the public are encouraged to contact the Clerk if they would like to join the Parish Council
  • There were no applications for co-option.


2310_[6] Chairman’s Report

The Chairman thanked Helen Nearly and Jay on behalf of the Parish Council for all their work in bringing together the successful pump track opening party on 23rd September. The Chairman thanked all the supporters who helped on the day making the event a great success, for further details, please see:

2310_[7] Clerk’s Report

  • The council reviewed and discussed correspondence shared with council members included in the appendix.
  • A new defibrillator cabinet had been delivered to Temple Cloud Garage. The Garage had said they would install the cabinet.
  • The broken pump on the pump track had been replaced with a new pump.
  • The notice of conclusion of audit had been posted online.
  • Goal post prices had been sourced. Cllr Cottis offered to review a possible pitch layout for the playing field.
  • The council discussed lighting in and around the village hall car park.

2310_[8] Members Reports

  • There were no reports on members’ responsibilities or attendance of outside bodies.

2310_[9] Ward Councillor’s Report

  • Apologies for absence were received from BANES District Cllr David Wood

2310_[10] Pump Track and Playing Field:

  • A report was received on any updates regarding the pump track and playing field
  • A survey map of underground services had been requested prior to any work to install bollards

2310_[11] Village Hall

  • A report was received on updates regarding the village hall
  • PAT testing in accordance with the risk assessment has been completed, including the Christmas Tree lights and power extension.
  • A new regular booking (children’s drama class) had started in the village hall on a Thursday afternoon
  • RESOLVED: Adoption of village hall risk assessment for hirers

2310_[12] FINANCE

Payments and income – see appendix 2023-10 Finance Reports

  1. RESOLVED: payments to approve as listed in finance reports.
  2. Noted: payments and Income
  3. RESOLVED: Bank reconciliation


Application Reference: 23/03523/FUL:
RESOLVED: The Parish Council has NO OBJECTION to this application.
Application Address: Cloud Hill Farm , Eastcourt Road, Temple Cloud, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5BX. Proposal: Conversion of former farm outbuilding to residential annex (Resubmission)

Application Reference: 23/03524/LBA:
RESOLVED: The Parish Council has NO OBJECTION to this application
Application Address: Cloud Hill Farm , Eastcourt Road, Temple Cloud, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5BX. Proposal: Internal and external alterations to convert former farm outbuilding to residential annex (Resubmission)

Recent updates to previous planning applications updates can be viewed online: (filter with ‘PARISH’)


RESOLVED: Date of next meeting: Tuesday 14th November 2023, 7.30pm


There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 21:12

Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)