pump track design

Village Hall Risk Assessment for Hirers

This risk assessment is for the use of hirers of the Hall to ensure the safety of hirers, visitors and members of the public who may be affected by your event. Use of the Hall requires that the hirer is aware of any risks and keeps these risks to a minimum to avoid injury to themselves, their guests or passing members of the public.

Hirers are requested to check that the Hall is in a safe condition for use at the start of the event and take measures to reduce any risks identified.

Hirers are reminded that users are required to leave the Hall in a safe and clean condition after use and that staff supervision is not provided for this.

Please read and note the risks identified below and the controls in place to minimise these risks. Please note, that controls identified in this risk assessment form part of the conditions for hire and use of the Hall.

Electrical appliances

– Electrocution from village hall electrical appliances, like fridge, kettle, TV
– Electrocution from hirers bought in electrical equipment like cables, music systems, phone chargers, lighting
Who / what may be harmed
– Visitors, guests, members of the public
Risk Rating
Severity: 4/5
Likelihood: 1/5
Overall Risk: Low
Existing Controls
– Village hall appliances are regularly PAT tested and inspected according to the PAT testing risk assessment.
– Village hall power circuits are protected by circuit breakers at the fuse board and inspected by an electrician every five years.
– Items showing visible signs of damage to be removed from service
Recommendations / Further Action
– Hirers to be advised to check any equipment they bring for safety and signs of cable damage.
– Hirers to be advised to keep liquids away from electrical equipment
– Hirers advised to avoid plugging in equipment in the kitchen near sinks and taps


– Falling off stage
– Items, like stacked chairs, falling from stage
– Injury to children crawling under stage
Who / what may be harmed
– Children, visitors, performers
Risk Rating
Severity: 1/5
Likelihood: 2/5
Overall Risk: Low
Existing Controls
– Steps and handrails are installed at the side of stage
– There is a fabric screen in front of stage
– A photographic checklist showing safe stacking of chairs on the stage is provided with instructions to hirer and posted on walls in the village hall.
Recommendations / Further Action
– Hirers advised to check the previous user has stacked chairs safely at edge of stage
– Hirers are advised to keep children off the stage unless supervised
– Hirers are advised to check that children do not go under the stage
– Advise hirers to stack chairs safely
– Avoid placing items near the front of the stage, where a trip may cause a fall off the stage
– Avoid stacking chairs near the front of the stage, where they may fall onto someone
– Use of stage to be by arrangement and not to be assumed as part of hiring the hall
– Storage of items on the stage to be reviewed, with items being removed where possible


– Burns from hot water
– Slips on wet floor
Who / what may be harmed
– Visitors
Risk Rating
Severity: 3/5
Likelihood: 2/5
Overall Risk: Medium
Existing Controls
– A First aid kit is provided in kitchen on the counter top fridge freezer
– A Mop, bucket and wet floor signs are provided in kitchen cupboard for use by hirers, to clean up and signpost wet floors.
Recommendations / Further Action
– Warn hirers to check taps for hot temperature if using water heater
– Advise hirers to keep children out of kitchen


– Fire
– Party products, like candles or sparklers may cause fire
Who / what may be harmed
– Visitors, members of the public
Risk Rating
Severity: 5/5
Likelihood: 1/5
Overall Risk: Medium
Existing Controls
– Hirers are issued with village hall fire procedure when emailed instructions to collect the keys
– Risk assessments are published on the website booking form page
– A fire risk assessment for the Hall has been put together by Radcliffe Fire Protection Ltd
– Hirers to note the position of fire extinguishers and report any use or damage
– Hirers to note the position of fire alarm buttons and emergency exits
– Hirers to ensure that corridors and exits to be kept clear, that the electric shutters are open and front exit doors are unlocked
– Hirers are not permitted to use any smoke-generating equipment or to smoke in the hall
Recommendations / Further Action
– Consider no smoking signs around Hall
– Do not allow hirers not to use cake sparklers or party pyrotechnics or smoke bombs etc
– Review and identify retail products that could cause a risk such as candles, cake sparklers or other party pyrotechnics that might be considered for use by hirers

Broken Glass, litter

– Broken glass which have been knocked or dropped may cause injuries or cuts
– Litter, like drawing pins or sharp objects inadvertently left by a previous occupant or fallen off the notice board
Who / what may be harmed
– Visitors, members of the public, young children
Risk Rating
Severity: 2/5
Likelihood: 2/5
Overall Risk: Low
Existing Controls
– Hirers are required to check for and clean up any damage both inside and outside of Hall
– A broom, dustpan and brush are provided in the kitchen cupboard
– Hirers are advised that the Hall may not always be cleaned or checked between bookings and so to be aware of any dangerous litter left by a previous occupant
– Hirers advised to report any incidents or risks to the parish council
Recommendations / Further Action
– Review the use of glasses and alternatives for drinks in the village hall, in particular, if alcohol is being served
– Do not allow glasses outside the Hall
– Monitor any incidents and check with regular hirers about use of sharp objects

Bouncy Castle

Equipment or operator failure leading to collapse of bouncy castle with children inside, may cause crushing, entrapment, life changing injuries or death.
– falls, knocks against other children
– Equipment blown onto visitors if outside in high winds
Who / what may be harmed
– Visitors, children, members of the public
Risk Rating
Severity: 5/5
Likelihood: 2/5
Overall Risk: High
Existing Controls
– Hire of bouncy castles is not encouraged due to increased risks. However, if requested the following risk controls must be followed:
– Hirers are responsible for safe use and constant competent supervision of the bouncy castle. This will mean a representative of the company or a trained person aware of risks and how to avoid risks should remain with the equipment at all times.
– Hirers to ensure that the supplier provides all safety resources such as evidence of public liability insurance and operating procedure and PIPA certification. Evidence of these documentation must be emailed to the parish council before any use of a bouncy castle
– Hirers to be aware of HSE advice on bouncy castles –
Recommendations / Further Action
– Periodic review of risks associated with bouncy castles.

Gazebos, tents

– Items blowing onto visitors in high winds
Who / what may be harmed
– Visitors, members of the public
Risk Rating
Severity: 3/5
Likelihood: 2/5
Overall Risk: Medium
Existing Controls
– Use of tents is not encouraged. If requested, hirers are advised of wind risks and controls
– If used, any tents, canopies or gazebos to be weighted down and pegged into the ground according to the manufacturer’s instructions
– Use not permitted if it feels windy outside or if the weather forecast shows windspeed above 20mph
Recommendations / Further Action
– Periodic review of risks

Car park

– Risk of accident, car hitting small child or bicycle
Who / what may be harmed
– Children and members of the public
Risk Rating
Severity: 4/5
Likelihood: 3/5
Overall Risk: High
Existing Controls
– Hirers are advised to be aware of small children and children on bikes when entering the car park or reversing out of car park spaces.
– Lighting is provided in the car park on a timer for evening use of the car park
Recommendations / Further Action
– Monitor activity in car park and review possible use of signage, for example, beware of children playing, no cycling in the car park
  • Posted: 4th October 2023
  • Adopted: 10/10/2023
  • Review period: Annual
  • Version: 1.3 (11-10-2023)
  • Reviewed: 2023‑10 2024‑07
  • Next review: 2025-02