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Training Policy


Temple Cloud with Cameley Parish Council is committed to provide a level of training for both its members and staff, to enable them to undertake their respective roles for the benefit of the Parish Council, the community, and the individual’s personal development.


Training is defined as “a planned process to develop the abilities of the individual and to satisfy the current and future needs of the organisations”.

Training Aims

The Parish Council’s training aims are the following:

  1. To improve the understanding of its members, of their role as a local councillor, the powers available to the Parish Council and how best to utilise the resources available for the betterment of the residents it serves.

  2. To provide the necessary training to its staff to ensure that they are able to undertake their respective roles.

  3. To ensure an acceptable level of succession planning in order to:
  • Ensure the Council can operate effectively following local elections and potential changes to the Council membership.
    • Ensure the Parish Council can continue to operate during times where staff may be unavailable (e.g. holidays, sickness, staff turnover etc).
    • Ensure the Council is successful in obtaining Quality Parish Status.

Council Responsibility

Parish Council to allocate a training budget to cover the provision of membership of professional associations, training activities, attendance at conferences and training publications for members & staff.Annually

Councillors’ Training

All Councillors are provided with New Members Induction Pack which includes a link to the Good Councillor Guide, a copy of the Councils Standing Orders and Code of Conduct.On appointment
All councillors shall be offered training when the join the Parish Council as a new member and there is an expectation that new councillors will undertake ‘Being a Good Councillor’ course which is delivered by Avon Local Councils Association (ALCA) along with refresher training for the Parish Council as a whole as and when the need arises.After appointment
All Councillors are encouraged to complete a skills audit to identify training needs.Every 4 Years
All Councillors are encouraged to undertake localised training by Avon Local Councils Association (ALCA) as required to support them in their role.Annually
All Councillors are encouraged to attend conferences, regional meetings and training events as appropriate to further their knowledge and for the benefit of the Parish Council as a whole and for the benefit of themselves as a member.Annually

Staff Training

All new staff to undertake Induction Training.As and when required
All staff to undertake staff appraisals to develop training needs.Annually
All office based staff encouraged to undertake the following, for which the Council may provide financial support:
1. Introduction to Local Council Administration
2. Certificate in Local Council Administration
All staff encouraged to read regular publications:
1. Local Council Review
2. The Clerk
All staff encouraged to attend training relevant to their individual posts and engage with training and briefings through SLCC and ALCA.Ongoing
Training for Village Operative Staff will be based on their needs on appointment and will be reviewed at the annual appraisal. It will consider the work they undertake and equipment they are expected to use. 

Volunteer Training

Training for Volunteers will be based on their needs on appointment and will be reviewed by the Clerk. It will consider the work they undertake and equipment they are expected to use.As and when required