Return of the Bus to Bath
The new bus service was launched this week. Roughly one an hour for 6 days a week. This is considerably more than the old bus service that was axed in 2018.
Housing Application Temple Inn Lane
I have submitted a petition with 200 signatures against this development.
The application is contrary to B&NES policy and I will resist it. We need houses to be built where they will really be affordable or where the jobs are located.
Comments are open now for the parish council and residents.
Temple Cloud Liveable Neighbourhood
I have agreed with B&NES Council that ideas for the whole village should be considered. Not just those on Temple Inn Lane.
Villagers will be consulted to help get to a list of improvements that are within budget. These improvements should take place in 2023
Clean and Green
- Now the Greyfield View pavements are being adopted 34 years of moss has been cleaned up
- Long standing weeds have been tackled at Cholwell
- Further action requested on pavements on the other side of Cholwell and between TC and Farrington Gurney
- Posted: 11th October 2022