pump track design

CIL Annual Reports

This report details the Temple Cloud with Cameley Parish Council portion of the Community Infrastructure Levy

The parish council can spend the money on things that will “address the demands placed on the area by development”.


    CIL carried forward CIL received CIL spent CIL retained at year end
2015-16   0 0 0 0
2016-17 SPENT 0 33339 688 32651
2017-18 SPENT 32651 33339 15382.26 50607.74
2018-19 DEADLINE 05/04/2023 – SPENT 50607.74 34349.37 43058.47 41898.64
2019-20   41898.64 0 9478.54 32420.1
2020-21   32420.1 0 13041.37 19378.73
2021-22   19378.73 0 10068.02 9310.71
2022-23   9310.71 0 9310.71 0

Details 2016-2017

    CIL received   33,339.00
Date Project Description Amount  
2016-2017 Playing field Works to Cameley Playing Field 688  
    Subtotal spent for year   688
31/03/2017   CIL retained at year end   32,651.00

Details 2017-2018

05/07/2017   CIL received   33,339.00
Date Project Description Amount  
2017-2018 Playing field Demolish and clear tractor shed 1350  
2017-2018 Playing field and infrastructure Stihl equipment to cover larger area of parish 329.46  
2017-2018 Defibrillator Defibrillator and Cabinet 2392.8  
2017-2018 Playground Playground (s106 funds used and 9310 from CIL) 9310  
2017-2018 Village Hall Improvements to TC Village Hall 2000  
    Subtotal spent for year   15382.26
    CIL retained at year end   50,607.74

Details 2018-2019

05/04/2018   CIL received   34,349.37
Date Project Description Amount  
2018-19 Defibrillator Defib install 96  
2018-19 Village Hall Sign 475.14  
2018-19 Village Hall VH works 4724.36  
2018-19 Playground Play area sign 62.4  
2018-19 Car park LED lighting 340.8  
2018-19 Car park Car park 36600  
2018-19 Village Hall VH works 759.77  
    Subtotal spent for year   43058.47
    CIL retained at year end   41,898.64

Details 2019-2020

Date Project Description Amount  
10/04/2019 Car Park Works Car Park 9 tonnes of topsoil (infrastructure) 360.00  
08/05/2019 Playground & Infrastructure works Uniform printing, embroiders and additional high vis vests for both operatives (infrastructure maintenance) 116.14  
08/05/2019 Village Hall works toilet lighting sensor installation x 3 TCVH (infrastructure) 223.75  
03/04/2019 Playground & Infrastructure works Stihl HS45 24″ Hedgetrimmer (infrastructure maintenance) 240.00  
12/06/2019 Village Hall works Access points for Village Hall Broadband (infrastructure) 155.17  
  Playground & Infrastructure works woodstain sandpaper and whitespirit to repair table in playground 22.80  
  Village Hall works X hire sale stage lighting 352.80  
  Village Hall works Cleaning of sloping roof and lower level guttering TCVH 95.00  
11/09/2019 Village Hall works Carry out electrical repairs following fixed electrical testing report ref TF1004 443.29  
11/09/2019 Village Hall works Payment following resolution of disputed Invoice 157.10  
11/10/2019 Car Park Works Bulbs for Village Hall car park  (infrastructure) 21.58  
15/11/2019 Bus Shelter Bus Shelter 2674.80  
15/11/2019 Village Hall works Hall Electrical Works 584.51  
24/01/2020 Village Hall works lights (infrastructure improvment) 1180.61  
11/03/2020 Playground & Infrastructure works Drill Bits, fingerpost repair (infrastructure maintenance) 7.04  
11/03/2020 Playground & Infrastructure works Tap set, fingerpost and playground repair (infrastructure maintenance) 19.98  
11/03/2020 Playground & Infrastructure works Drill Bits, fingerpost repair (infrastructure maintenance) 2.50  
30/03/2020 Village Hall works Keys for village hall -additional community keyholders 67.02  
30/03/2020 Playground & Infrastructure works Additional works due to development 2754.45  
    Subtotal spent for year   9478.54
    CIL retained at year end   32,420.10

Details 2020-2021

Date Project Description Amount  
14/04/2020 Defibrillator Defrib batteries           4.39  
14/04/2020 Village Hall locks -village hall repair         14.32  
14/04/2020 Village Hall anchors – village hall repair           4.64  
21/07/2020 Notice Boards Notice Boards   2,514.75  
10/08/2020 CCTV cctv signs 11.70  
10/08/2020 CCTV unibond adhesive tape 4.26  
10/08/2020 CCTV cctv stickers 4.90  
10/08/2020 CCTV nano adhesive tape 8.09  
10/08/2020 Notice Boards magnets (notice boards) 7.59  
10/08/2020 Notice Boards generator fuel (notice boards) 4.37  
10/08/2020 Notice Boards postcrete (notice boards) 9.50  
10/08/2020 Notice Boards postcrete (notice boards) 8.54  
28/07/2020 CCTV cctv sign 15.69  
10/12/2020 Playing field and footpaths Stihl brush cutter engine and tools 618.98  
14/12/2020 Playing field and footpaths Leaf Blower 1322.40  
12/01/2021 Playing field and footpaths Ground anchor and lock for equipment 29.99  
12/01/2021 Playground Padlocks for playground 8.50  
12/01/2021 Village Hall Key safe for village hall 11.99  
12/01/2021 Notice Boards magnets for notice boards 19.98  
12/01/2021 Playground Vil Op signs 22.98  
12/01/2021 Village Hall Spare keys 10.01  
12/03/2021 Gravel Path Gravel Path 5280.00  
31/03/2021 Playground & Infrastructure works Additional works due to development 3103.80  
    Subtotal spent for year     13,041.37
    CIL retained at year end     19,378.73

Details 2021-2022

Date Project Description Amount  
25/08/2021 Playing field equipment Rotavator 157  
25/04/2021 Pavillion demolition Pavillion demolition 6746.2  
17/09/2021 Village Hall LED light fitting Village Hall 720  
20/01/2022 Village Hall notice board door 172.63  
05/02/2022 Village Hall Notice Board 24.27  
28/02/2022 Village Hall V Hall Gutter Replacement 1300  
31/03/2022 Playground & Infrastructure works Additional works due to development 3292  
    Subtotal spent for year   12412.1
12/07/2021 Deducted from CIL spend spend from gravel path grant 2344.08 2344.08
    CIL retained at year end       9,310.71

Details 2022-2024

Date Project Description Amount  
14/09/2022 Pump track Planning application pump track 263.2  
09/02/2023 Pump track Pump track design stage 5962.8  
    Subtotal spent for year   6226
    CIL retained at year end       3,084.71

Details 2023-2024

04/03/2023 Pump track Pump track first part construction stage payment 4800  
04/03/2023 Pump track Pump track remaining construction stage applied 64460  
04/03/2023 Pump track Project spend from pump track tesco grant -1000  
04/03/2023 Pump track Project spend from pump track crowdfunding -2562  
04/03/2023 Pump track Project spend from ward councillor grant -550  
04/03/2023 Pump track Project spend from S106 goldney house -7629  
04/03/2023 Pump track Project spend met by donated materials -3500  
04/03/2023 Pump track Project spend met by donated services -2823  
    Subtotal project spend for year 57422  
04/03/2023 Pump track Spend above CIL budget met from alternative reserves -48111.29  
    Subtotal adjusted spend for year   3084.71
    CIL retained at 4/3/2023   0.00
  • Posted: 30th March 2023