pump track design

2024-04 Finance Reports

Payments to Approve

Apr2024 Payments to approve          
Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross  
25/03/2024 C Light Grass Cutting 134.00   134.00  
02/04/2024 ALCA subs 402.74   402.74  
27/03/2024 P Edwards Mileage expenses 15.40   15.40  
    SUBTOTAL       552.14

Signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________

Payments to Report

Mar 2024Regular payments   
Inv DateToDetailsNetVatGross 
StaffStaff salaries, expenses, pension2123.862123.86 
01/03/2024CuroGarage Hire51.6310.3361.96 
01/03/2024Water2BusinessUtilities – Village Hall20.5020.50 
01/03/2024EDF EnergyUtilities – Village Hall101.905.10107.00 
08/03/2024Source Shaper Ltd t/a Shape Payrollpayroll services5.001.006.00 
31/03/2023Unity BankService charge18.0018.00 
  SUBTOTAL   2337.32
Mar 2024 Credit card payments to note          
Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross  
25/02/2024 Amazon Glue for boots & coat repairs 6.66 1.33 7.99  
04/03/2024 LEBARA MOBILE LIMITED mobile phone 4.13 0.83 4.95  
26/03/2024 Lloyds Bank Fee 3.00   3.00  
    SUBTOTAL       15.94

Income to report

Receipts Mar 2024                
Date   Ref Description Net   Gross Sub ex dp Subtotal
04/03/2024   21st april party Village Hall Booking & Deposit 194.00   194.00    
04/03/2024   TCVH-353 Village Hall Booking & Deposit 44.00   44.00    
07/03/2024   TCVH-358 Village Hall Booking & Deposit 164.00   164.00    
13/03/2024   TCVH-359 Village Hall Booking & Deposit -125.00   -125.00    
18/03/2024   TCVH-338 Village Hall Booking & Deposit 465.00   465.00    
22/03/2024   TCVH-360 Village Hall Booking & Deposit 263.00   263.00    
28/03/2024   TCVH-361 Village Hall Booking & Deposit 30.00   30.00    
31/03/2024   Unity Bank Interest 177.97   177.97    
31/03/2024   Nationwide Bank Interest 239.86   239.86    
      SUBTOTAL         1452.83

Bank Reconciliation

Reconciliation of balances 31 Mar 2024  
Balance per bank statements    
Current Account Unity 13,731.74  
Reserve Account Unity 9,630.49  
Nationwide Savings Acc 60,000.00  
SUBTOTAL bank statements   83,362.23
Less unpresented payments   0.00
Unbanked cash    
Reconciling Items:    
Uncleared petty cash transferred into bank account on 29/3/2024 reconciled on bank statement 2/4/2024   0.20
Uncleared bank transferred on 31/3/2024, reconciled by bank on 2/4/2024   239.86
NET BALANCES   83,602.29
The net balances reconcile to the Cash Book (receipts and payments account) as follows:    
Opening Balance at 1 April 2023   131,113.10
Add: Receipts in the year   63602.30
Less: Payments in the year    -111113.11
CLOSING BALANCE per Cash Book    83,602.29

Year to date spend vs Budget and Earmarked Reserves

  • Posted: 3rd April 2024
  • Version: 1