pump track design

2024-01 Finance Reports

Payments to Approve

Jan 2024 Payments to approve        
Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross
29/12/2024 Soltech IT Webhosting Feb24-Feb25 32.81 6.56 39.37
17/01/2024 Staff Salary and pension (combined total) 1761.55   1761.55

Signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________

Payments to Report

Dec 2023 Payments approved Chairman / Clerk          
Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross  
  Cameley PCC Grant award 500.00   500.00  
    SUBTOTAL       500.00
Dec 2023 Regular payments          
Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross  
06/12/2023 Staff Staff salaries, expenses 1773.31   1773.31  
01/12/2023 Curo Garage Hire 51.63 10.33 61.96  
01/12/2023 Water2Business Utilities – Village Hall 20.50   20.50  
01/12/2023 EDF Energy Utilities – Village Hall 76.19 3.81 80.00  
28/12/2023 EDF Energy Utilities – Village Hall -282.00 -14.10 -296.10  
08/12/2023 Source Shaper Ltd t/a Shape Payroll payroll services 5.00 1.00 6.00  
31/12/2023 Unity Bank Service charge 18.00   18.00  
    SUBTOTAL       1663.67
Dec 2023 Credit card payments to note          
Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross  
01/12/2023 AMAZON.CO.UK HI2B787D4 SSD – faulty, returned for refund -10.99   -10.99  
05/12/2023 Lebara Mobile Limited mobile phone 4.13 0.83 4.95  
08/12/2023 AMAZON.CO.UK TS4Z94MX5 Document wallets 15.60 3.12 18.72  
08/12/2023 AMZNMKTPLACE Oil spill safety pack 11.62 2.33 13.95  
13/12/2023 SAINSBURYS S/MKTS Mulled wine mince pies 47.2   47.2  
14/12/2023 FARMBOROUGH COMMUNITY vegan alternative to mince pies 2.39   2.39  
18/12/2023 TLC DIRECT.CO.UK Tree lights 51.93 10.39 62.32  
27/12/2023 Lloyds Bank Fee 3.00   3.00  
    SUBTOTAL       141.54

Income to report

Receipts Dec 2023                
Date   Ref Description Net   Gross Sub ex dp Subtotal
12/12/2023   TCVH-333 Village Deposit Refund -175.00   -175.00    
11/12/2023   TCVH-331 Village Hall Booking & Deposit 5   5    
11/12/2023   TCVH-325 Village Hall Booking & Deposit 125   125    
13/12/2023   TCVH-326 Village Hall Booking & Deposit 109   109    
13/12/2023   TCVH-332 Village Hall Booking & Deposit 174   174    
18/12/2023   TCVH-330 Village Hall Regular Hire 65.00   65.00    
31/12/2023   Unity Bank Interest 361.07   361.07    
31/12/2023   Nationwide Bank Interest 111.48   111.48    
      SUBTOTAL         775.55

Bank Reconciliation

Reconciliation of balances 31st Dec 2023    
Balance per bank statements    
Current Account Unity 4,407.44  
Reserve Account Unity 52,452.52  
Nationwide Savings Acc 35,000.00  
SUBTOTAL bank statements   91,859.96
Less unpresented payments   0.00
Unbanked cash (Prepaid debit card)   0.00
Reconciling Items:    
Uncleared bank transfer: automatic interest transfer from Nationwide to Unity Current a/c   111.48
NET BALANCES   91,971.44
The net balances reconcile to the Cash Book (receipts and payments account) as follows:    
Opening Balance at 1 April 2023   131,113.10
Add: Receipts in the year   61161.51
Less: Payments in the year    -100303.17
CLOSING BALANCE per Cash Book    91,971.44

Year to date spend vs Budget and Earmarked Reserves

  • Posted: 11th January 2024
  • Version: 1.0