pump track design

2023-06 Finance Reports

Payments to Approve

Jun-23 Payments to approve          
Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross  
28/04/2023 C Light Grass Cutting 127.50   127.50  
01/06/2023 ARCHITRAIL VELOSOLUTIONS UK LIMITED Pump Track 41865.93 8373.18 50239.11  
01/06/2023 ARCHITRAIL VELOSOLUTIONS UK LIMITED Split to part payments     -50239.11  
01/06/2023 ARCHITRAIL VELOSOLUTIONS UK LIMITED Part tools and pump     2157.60  
01/06/2023 ARCHITRAIL VELOSOLUTIONS UK LIMITED Remaining balance     48081.51  
18/05/2023 Radcliffe fire Fire alarm, extinguisher & EM light tests 199.00 39.80 238.80  
24/05/2023 BHIB Council insurance 2043.36   2043.36  
02/05/2023 Kelvin Parfitt Mower Fuel expenses 07/22 to 05/23     43.09  
09/06/2023 TCIB Grant 1000.00   1000.00  
31/05/2023 VH cleaner VH cleaning VH-2023-05 210.00   210.00  
26/05/2023 P Edwards Mileage expenses 8.55   8.55  
    SUBTOTAL       53910.41

Payments to Report

May 2023 Regular payments          
Bank Date Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross  
09/05/2023   Staff Staff salaries, expenses 1765.62   1765.62  
03/05/2023   Curo Garage Hire 51.63 10.33 61.96  
03/05/2023   Water2Business Utilities – Village Hall 22.50   22.50  
03/05/2023   EDF Energy Utilities – Village Hall 130.48 6.52 137.00  
11/05/2023   Source Shaper Ltd t/a Shape Payroll payroll services 5.00 1.00 6.00  
      SUBTOTAL       1993.08
May 2023 Debit card payments to note          
Bank Date Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross  
03/05/2023 03/05/2023 Central Garage batteries 3.88 0.78 4.65  
10/05/2023 10/05/2023 Paypal Cash back batteries -0.02   -0.02  
09/05/2023   Paypal Prepaid debit card funding – internal transfer 5.00   5.00  
09/05/2023   TCC Parish Council debit card Prepaid debit card funding – internal transfer -5.00   -5.00  
      SUBTOTAL       4.63
May 2023 Credit card payments to note          
Bank Date Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross  
10/05/2023 09/04/2023 Lebara mobile phone 1.65 0.33 1.98  
10/05/2023 26/04/2023 Lloyds Bank Fee 3.00   3.00  
      SUBTOTAL       4.98

Debit Card Float

Date: Petty Cash: Float Balance: To: Details:
25/04/2023 30.00 30.00 Paypal Prepaid debit card funding – internal transfer
03/05/2023 -4.65 25.35 Central Garage Batteries
03/05/2023 5.00 30.35 Paypal Prepaid debit card funding – internal transfer
10/05/2023 0.02 30.37 Paypal cashback bonus

Income to report

Receipts May 2023              
Date     Description Net   Gross Sub ex dp Subtotal
03/05/2023   VH Deposit refund -125.00   -125.00    
17/05/2023   VH TCVH-266 Deposit refund -125.00   -125.00    
03/05/2023   VH Village Hall Booking & Deposit 164.00   164.00    
09/05/2023   VH Village Hall Booking & Deposit 174.00   174.00    
10/05/2023   VH Village Hall Booking & Deposit 274.00   274.00    
15/05/2023   VH Village Hall Regular Booking 445.50   445.50    
15/05/2023   VH Village Hall Booking 44.00   44.00    
15/05/2023   VH Village Hall Booking 150.00   150.00    
19/05/2023   BANES Footpath maintenance 877.92   877.92    
19/05/2023   VH Village Hall Booking & Deposit 39.00   39.00    
25/05/2023   VH Village Hall Booking & Deposit 204.00   204.00    
26/05/2023   VH Village Hall Regular Booking 148.50   148.50    
26/05/2023   VH Village Hall Booking & Deposit 164.00   164.00    
25/05/2023   VH Village Hall Booking & Deposit 125.00   125.00    
28/05/2023   Nationwide Bank Interest 83.23   83.23    
      SUBTOTAL         2643.15

Bank Reconciliation

Reconciliation of balances 30th May 2023  
Balance per bank statements    
Current Account Unity 9,580.83  
Reserve Account Unity 87,549.85  
Nationwide Savings Acc 35,000.00  
SUBTOTAL bank statements   132,130.68
Less unpresented payments   0.00
Unbanked cash (Prepaid debit card)   30.37
Reconciling Items:    
Uncleared bank transfer: automatic interest transfer from Nationwide to Unity Current a/c   83.23
NET BALANCES   132,244.28
The net balances reconcile to the Cash Book (receipts and payments account) as follows:    
Opening Balance at 1 April 2022   131,113.10
Add: Receipts in the year   22406.71
Less: Payments in the year    -21275.53
CLOSING BALANCE per Cash Book    132,244.28
Explanation note re reconciling balance:    
Uncleared bank transfer: automatic interest transfer from Nationwide to Unity Current a/c   83.23
This reconciling item is due to bank interest being received into the Nationwide bank account on the last day of the month. This bank interest is then automatically transferred by the bank to the Unity current account. This item does not arrive in the Unity Bank account until several days later in the following month and so creates a reconciling item on the bank reconciliation.

Year to date spend vs Budget and Earmarked Reserves

  • Posted: 7th June 2023
  • Version: 1.1