pump track design

2021-07 PCM: Finance Reports

Payments to Approve

Schedule of Payments (totalling £1090.69) approved by Clerk in consultation with Chairman & Vice Chairman due to inquorate meeting

30/06/2021PY2107-121S NelsonCleaning May June510.00 510.00 
30/06/2021PY2107-122Cornish Garden ServicesGrass Cutting150.0030.00180.00 
30/06/2021PY2107-123Deadline Accountingpayroll services70.5014.1084.60 
16/06/2021PY2107-124HMRCP30 to 5th July316.09 316.09 
   SUBTOTAL   1090.69

Schedule of payments checked against invoices by Cllr Cass
New payee details counter signed and checked by Cllr Box!AtoBPP1dQfR0hac0xYWoHlpGcTLSXw?e=miuQar

To note, in the event of an inquorate meeting, the following may apply:

Financial Regs: 5.5. The Clerk and RFO shall have delegated authority to authorise the payment of items only in the following circumstances: a. If a payment is necessary to avoid a charge to interest under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, and the due date for payment is before the next scheduled Meeting of council, where the Clerk and RFO certify that there is no dispute or other reason to delay payment, provided that a list of such payments shall be submitted to the next appropriate meeting of council;

Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, Section 4:
Period for which statutory interest runs.
(1)Statutory interest runs in relation to a qualifying debt in accordance with this section (unless section 5 applies).
(2)Statutory interest starts to run on the day after the relevant day for the debt, at the rate prevailing under section 6 at the end of the relevant day.
(a)the purchaser is a public authority, and
(b)the last day of the relevant 30-day period falls earlier than the agreed payment day,
the relevant day is the last day of the relevant 30-day period, unless subsection (2G) applies.
(2G)Where the debt relates to an obligation to make an advance payment, the relevant day is the day on which the debt is treated by section 11 as having been created (instead of the agreed payment day or the day given by subsection (2D) or (2E)).
(2H)“The relevant 30-day period” is the period of 30 days beginning with the later or latest of—
(a)the day on which the obligation of the supplier to which the debt relates is performed;
(b)the day on which the purchaser has notice of the amount of the debt or (where that amount is unascertained) the sum which the supplier claims is the amount of the debt;
(c)where subsection (5A) applies, the day determined under subsection (5B).
(5A)This subsection applies where—
(a)there is a procedure of acceptance or verification (whether provided for by an enactment or by the contract), under which the conforming of goods or services with the contract is to be ascertained; and
(b)the purchaser has notice of the amount of the debt on or before the day on which the procedure is completed.

  • Posted: 6th July 2021