Asset Register 2024-25
Asset Register
- Created: April 2023
- Adopted: April 2023
- Review period: Annual
- Version: 24-25 v1.1
- Other vers: Asset Register
- Reviewed: 2024‑04 2024‑05
- Next review: 2025-05
A list of all policies. To view the review schedule for policies, please visit:
Document review schedule
Asset Register
This policy applies to the personal data of current and former job applicants, employees, workers, contractors, and former employees, referred to as HR-related personal data. This policy does not apply to the personal data relating to members of the public or other personal data processed for council business.
Planning Applications – The Councils Scheme of Delegation authorises the Clerk to the Council/Responsible Finance Officer and Standing Committees to act with delegated authority in the specific circumstances detailed.
Expediture Authority – The Councils Scheme of Delegation authorises the Clerk to the Council/Responsible Finance Officer and Standing Committees to act with delegated authority in the specific circumstances detailed.
This policy details how the council protects information.
Guidance to members and staff for use of texts, whatsapp, social media and Freedom of Information Act
This policy details the procedure for an information security incident
This policy details the minimum retention time required for council documents before disposal in order for the council to comply with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Publication Scheme. Where variable times are indicated the Council will review storage after the minimum period has elapsed.
Form for dispensation request
Risk Assessment for staff and volunteers working outdoors. Includes village operative activities and volunteer activities like fingerpost painting. Risks covered include harmful wildlife, weather, traffic, lone working and harmful substances.