Background to this consultation
The Parish Council have previously been informed that Temple Cloud Football Club were not re-forming for the football season. A Working Party was set up at the July Parish Council Meeting whose purpose was to assess the condition of the sports pavilion, maintenance requirements for future letting and report back on options for the council to consider. The Working Party met on 01/08/2018. At the September meeting, members considered a report from the Sports Pavilion Working Party. The Working Party reported that:
- In its current state it did not make sense for the council to continue to pay out maintenance on an under-used building.
- Possible alternatives for the provision of changing rooms had been discussed, but in the absence of demand and a sustainable income stream felt that a large capital project would be difficult to recommend.
- The Working Party would be delighted if there was a good use for the pavilion which transformed it into an asset for the community and eliminated the continuing demand on Parish Council funds.
As a result, the Parish Council are now asking whether there is local interest – from groups or businesses to take on the maintenance of the building and use it to benefit the community.
In addition, the Parish Council may offer a grant to local groups to help start new projects that benefit the community.
Do you wish to run a venture at the pavilion?
Please submit your proposal in writing to the Clerk by 31st October 2018.
A grant application may be submitted alongside your proposal.
Your proposal / business plan should cover a 5 year period.
Please contact the Clerk if you wish to arrange access to the pavilion.
In the absence of a suitable future use of the building, the council may decide to de-commission the pavilion.