pump track design

Agenda – Parish Council Meeting July 14th 2020

APPENDIX 1: Monthly Cash Book Entries

  1. Regular payments for the month, pre-approved:
08/06/2020PY2007-26 ‘Staff salaries, expenses and pension1400.20 1400.20 
01/06/2020PY2007-27CuroGarage Hire      44.23      8.8553.08 
01/06/2020PY2007-28Water2BusinessUtilities –  Sports Pavilion and Village Hall combined22.50 22.50 
01/06/2020PY2007-29EDF EnergyUtilities – Sports Pavilion        5.83      1.177.00 
01/06/2020PY2007-30EDF EnergyUtilities – Village Hall      88.33    17.67106.00 
28/06/2020PY2007-31VodafoneMobile phone monthly sim        5.12      1.026.141594.92

2. Credit Card Payments, Chairman/Clerk approved to report:

29/05/2020PY2007-50safetysmaskhand sanitizer dispenser and face masks  69.97 
29/05/2020PY2007-51amazonhand wipes           19.57      3.9223.49 
29/05/2020PY2007-49amazonhand gel             8.32      1.679.99 
29/05/2020PY2007-52amazonpaper           16.66      3.3319.99 
29/05/2020PY2007-53amazonalchohol gel 5L           41.66      8.3349.99 
29/05/2020PY2007-54amazondisposable nitrile gloves           11.89         –  11.89 
29/05/2020PY2007-55amazonbatteries for hand sanitizer dispenser             5.85      1.177.02 
13/06/2020PY2007-56amazonlitter picker           11.97         –  11.97 
19/06/2020PY2007-57central garagefuel for mower             6.65      1.217.24 
21/06/2020PY2007-58zoomZoom meeting upgrade           11.99      2.4014.39 
26/06/2020PY2007-59lloydsMonthly credit card fee                –           –  3.00228.94

3. Other payments for the Chairman/Clerk approved to report:

internal audit    225.00         –  225.00 
17/06/2020PY2003-23 TCIBhall hire refund (covid cancellation)      33.00         –  33.00 
01/06/2020PY2007-24EDF EnergyREFUND–   143.33–   28.67-172.00 
30/06/2020PY2003-25Unity bankservice charge           –           –  18.00104.00

4. Payments to approve by council:

15/07/2020PY2007-01Vil Op KPMower Fuel69.9413.9983.93 
15/07/2020PY2007-02ClerkMileage expenses  39.60 
15/07/2020PY2007-03Apex AlarmsFire Alarm inspection two annual visits170.0034.00204.00 
15/07/2020PY2007-04Apex AlarmsEmergency lights inspection70.0014.0084.00 
15/07/2020PY2007-05GreenbarnsNotice Boards2095.62419.132514.75 
15//7/2020PY2007-06Deadline Accountingpayroll services70.5014.1084.60 
15/07/2020PY2007-07HMRC (P30 month 2 ending 5 july)   229.24 
15/07/2020PY2007-08CleanerJune Cleaning x4  180.00 
15/07/2020PY2007-09Cornish Garden SvcsPlaypark grass cutting75.0015.0090.003510.12

5. Income for the month to report:

RC2006-01 02/06/2020  Grant for V Hall BANES     10,000.00 
RC2006-02 05/06/2020  Grant for footpaths          768.71 
RC2006-03 15/06/2020  V Hall Hire School          600.00   11,368.71