pump track design

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting: 12th July 2022, 7:30pm

Present: Councilors: Sara Box (Chairman), Sara Cass, David Cottis, Jon Elford, Stephen Marsh, Helen Neary, Jon Sebright and Mark Wilson

Also Present: Philip Edwards (Clerk), District Councilors: Shaun Stephenson McGall and Dave Wood, Police: PC Peard and PCSO Bowen

Location: Temple Cloud Village Hall


  • PC Peard and PCSO Bowen gave a report on neighbourhood policing and recent action taken to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour. It was highlighted that a garden tool was used to lever open a door and gain access during a burglary in Cameley. Residents are reminded of the importance of locking garden tools away and locking car and home doors to prevent criminal access. PC Peard requested that any antisocial behaviour, including fire damage, are reported to the police.
  • Chair of BANES, Councilor Shaun Stephenson McGall, gave a presentation on his new role as Chair of BANES and his role in chairing the Parish Liaison Meeting. Cllr McGall is planning to visit Parish Councils across BANES and expressed his appreciation for the work undertaken by Parish Councils. Cllr McGall highlighted the significance of parish councils being the first tier of government accessible to the community.
  • District Councillor Wood gave updates on:
    • Temple Cloud Wombles litter pick planned on 30th July at 1:30pm.
    • BANES plans to fix the potholes on the playing field lane: as a BANES listed asset that has not been adopted by highways, this will be organised by the property department.
    • Japanese Knotweed south of Peterside had been treated and was being monitored.
    • Greyfield View: Plans are underway to adopt the pavement. Curo plans to improve the fence.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Warden.


There were no requests for dispensations or declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests.


RESOLVED: The minutes of the Parish Council meeting which took place on Tuesday 14th June 2022 were approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman.

22.07_5. REPORTS

(a) Chairman’s Report

  • Potholes in playing field lane remain a problem to be resolved by BANES. Cllr Warden recently witnessed a member of the public slip on one of these potholes along this lane.
  • Cllr Warden has been working on ideas for a leaflet for the flower show with a potential prize draw theme and is happy to pool any other ideas from other members.
    • Cllr Sebright and Cllr Box confirmed they were willing to help at the flower show in August.

(b) Clerk’s Report

  • The garage defibrillator (Lifepack CR Plus manufactured in 2010) was used a month ago. The Parish Council would like to express their best wishes to whoever needed to use the defibrillator.
    The defibrillator has been checked and reinstated on the register ready for emergency use. The battery level now shows 66% and the Clerk has been advised this is still an operational level. There are supply problems for new batteries on this model and some suppliers recommend buying a different model (ZOLL AED see A replacement battery with pads has been ordered (£145), and delivery is expected in 48 weeks. Defibrillators are about £1100 new. The cabinet alarm remote button is missing, so the alarm is no longer operational. The defibrillator at the school (HeartSine Samaritan PAD 500P installed 2018, pads and battery expire 2026) is a different model and registered ready for emergency use, this model also has supply problems. If a patient who has used the defibrillator is willing to be contacted, a new defibrillator may be donated from the Stryket Forward Hearts scheme for community use.
  • Details requested were sent to Sarah Heathcote (B&NES officer regarding Air Quality) regarding contacts, display points and the Clutton Flower show.
  • BANES has been contacted regarding their responsibility for grass cutting in Paulmont Rise. BANES have agreed to start cutting the grass and the hedge. Feedback has been requested regarding letting some of the grass grow long for wildflowers. Residents have so far have indicated that they would prefer to grass to be cut and that the flower beds provide flowers for wildlife. The village operative has been asked to continue cutting this area until the end of July when B&NES plan to take over grass cutting.
    • RESOLVED: The Parish Council support residents’ preference not to allow longer patches of grass to grow on Paulmont Rise.
  • Correspondence has been received about nettles on the private land next to the footpath from Meadway to Brandown Close. This is the responsibility of the private landowner, but the village operative has partially cut this back and will continue occasional pruning. The Clerk will contact David Wood to discuss possible solutions.
  • Parts of the wood on the bus shelter at Cameley are starting to perish. An appraisal and quotation has been requested to repair the perished parts. Cllr Wilson will provide details of another supplier to provide a quotation.
  • The Clerk has completed a staff review with the village operative. Health and Safety training was completed with a review of the HSE leaflet, risk assessments, COSHH statements and protective gear. A new helmet with ear protection and a visor has been provided for strimming and hedge cutting activities. A review of the grass cutting areas was undertaken.
    • RESOLVED: The council prefers not to allow grass to grow longer for rewilding on the edge of the A37 on the wide grass area south of Peterside after the footpath crosses the A37.
  • Possible growth of Japanese Knotweed on the A37 south of Peterside was reported to BANES.
  • Details of email scams and an invitation to a fraud webinar have been sent to members.

(c) Members Reports

(i) Parish Liaison Meeting:

  • The next meeting will take place in Keynsham on 13th July 2022, 18:00 – 20:00. The Clerk will be attending.

(ii) Pump Track Report:

  • A community crowd fundraiser for the pump track is being planned.
  • A resolution to consider an extension of the end of the fundraising deadline to mid-September was postponed to be reviewed in a later meeting.
  • RESOLVED: The council will hold an extra meeting in the next two weeks to review pump track funds, reserves, and instructions to the contractor. Date to be confirmed following an email poll to be sent to members.

(d) Quarterly Review of Village Hall Strategy

  • Dando’s has been contacted to confirm arrangements for building works at the village hall in August. The original estimated price has been confirmed as valid with no increase required.
  • Repairs to the village hall emergency lighting have been completed. 5 units were repaired with 1 unit deemed not to require repair.
  • Bookings: One regular booking has been cancelled on Monday nights due to the termination of the business. One-off bookings remain steady.
  • Hinton Blewett Village Hall has offered the parish council some extra chairs, the clerk will be visiting to have a look. Cllr Wilson may be able to arrange a van to collect chairs.
  • Noted future strategy: Ideas to consider for the village hall development include refurbished flooring, painting and decorating, blackout curtains for top windows, renewal of stage curtains, boarding up stage front with cupboards, permanent overhead projector with retracting screen, audio system, disco light ball, kitchen lights sensor, heating controls cover.

22.07_6. FINANCE

See appendix 2022-07 PCM: Finance Reports

(a) Payments and income

  1. RESOLVED: payments to approve listed in finance reports
  2. Noted: payments and Income
  3. RESOLVED: Approval of bank reconciliation statement

(b) Budget spending and reserves

  1. Reviewed: quarterly review of spend against budget
  2. Noted: levels of earmarked reserves and CIL to be reviewed in more detail at a subsequent meeting
  3. RESOLVED: Reserves virement to move £9994 from building maintenance to the pump track reserves.

(c) Other financial business

  1. RESOLVED: Approval to cancel £52 owed on invoice TCVH-164-B covering cancelled bookings.


Application Reference22/01991/FUL
Application Address: Chez Nous, Peterside, Temple Cloud, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5AB
Proposal: Demolition of existing bungalow and redevelopment with two detached dwellinghouses.

RESOLVED: The Parish Council would like to highlight the concerns of residents expressed in the comments section of the planning application.


RESOLVED: Date of next meeting, Parish Council Meeting: Tuesday 13th September 2022, 7.30pm

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 21:18

Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)