pump track design

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting: 14th June 2022, 7:30pm

Present: Councillors: Philip Warden (Chairman), Sara Box, Sara Cass, David Cottis, Jon Elford, Stephen Marsh, Jon Sebright and Mark Wilson

Also Present: Cllr David Wood (District Councillor), Sarah Heathcote (BANES officer), Philip Edwards (Clerk) and five members of the public.

Location: Temple Cloud Village Hall


Questions were received from members of the public regarding the footpath behind Molly Close. The Clerk offered to take email addresses to create a mailing list to inform residents of future events or consultations.

Sarah Heathcote from B&NES gave a 10 minute presentation regarding Clean Air Day on 16th June and air quality in Temple Cloud and Farrington Gurney. The Parish Council agreed to display posters in the parish notice boards and share the BANES facebook posts on the council facebook page.

District Councillor David Wood commented on pollution levels for January and April in 2020, 2021 and 2022. It was noted that the drop in pollution during the pandemic had been sustained so far. Improvements in engines may improve pollution levels, but a study had concluded it could take until 2029 to effect change from this and so current action was being taken.


Apologies for absence were received from Helen Neary


There were no requests for dispensations or declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests.


RESOLVED: The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council which took place on Tuesday 10th May 2022 were approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman.

22.06_5. REPORTS

(a) Chairman’s Report

The Chairman reported that several people have tried arranging different events since covid and the Parish Council would like to support anyone who would like to be part of an entertainment committee or group. People would not need to be a member of the council to join this group. Anyone interested is invited to express their interest by contacting the Clerk.

The Chairman has helped the village operative cut down some tree branches overhanging the playground equipment and removed some tree roots around the village hall. It was noted that there is a thin crack in the wall on the school side of the village hall. Photos of the crack have been taken to allow observation over time.

(b) Clerk’s Report

  • The Clerk reported that David Wilson Homes, the current management responsible for Brandown Close Estate, had been contacted by both the Parish Council and B&NES requesting that they take urgent remedial work on the hedge that they own which is blocking the public footpath between Brandown Close and Meadway. DWH had been contacted several times during the last year to request that this hedge be maintained correctly. Since contacting DWH, BANES parks department had maintained the hedge as part of the clean and green week
  • A grant of £9994 had been received from The National Lottery to support the village hall building works
  • Temple Cloud in Bloom had expressed their thanks for the parish council grant award of £1000
  • The aircon unit in the Hall ceiling had been fixed. A drain pipe had split and caused a flood in the hall
  • The broken circular window on the village hall had been fixed with new cladding
  • RESOLVED: The council approved the quotation for remedial work for emergency lighting £354 +VAT
  • PC Peard is planning to join the council meeting in July to report on local policing and receive any questions

(c) Members Reports

  • Co-design Workshop for B&NES Liveable Neighbourhoods – The Clerk and Cllr Sebright attended this event, Cllr Sebright gave a summary of the event
  • Clutton Flower Show – A stand has been booked for 13th August 2022. Cllr Warden offered to arrange some content for the Clerk to make into a flyer
  • Pump Track: The Parish Council expressed their thanks to Dst Cllr David Wood for his promotion of the pump track progress in recent publications. Members of the council suggested that £10K should be the amount requested in the GWR grant application. An application for CIL funds was also being submitted by the Clerk for £5000
  • Pump Track: It was highlighted that the parish council have fundraising bins at Tescos in the following locations: Tescos Express- Saltford and Longwell Green and Keynsham superstore. Members of the public were encouraged to vote for the project before the closing date of 30th June. The maximum votes would provide the pump track with £1500 towards the build

22.06_6. FINANCE

See appendix 2022-06 PCM: Finance Reports

  1. RESOLVED: payments to approve listed in finance reports (see appendix PCM finance reports)
    The Clerk highlighted that an invoice for £546.12 had just been received for the village hall window cladding. There were no objections from the council for the Clerk to authorise this payment in line with financial regulations to avoid late payment
  2. Noted: payments and Income (see appendix PCM finance reports)
  3. Noted: bank reconciliation statement (see appendix PCM finance reports)
  4. RESOLVED: To add Cllrs Elford and Wilson as signatories with online authority to authorise payments on the Unity Bank Account and as signatories on the Nationwide Savings Account


Application Reference22/01885/FUL
Application Address: The Mount, Main Road, Temple Cloud, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5DQ
Proposal: Conversion of existing barn and workshop to residential.

RESOLVED: The Parish Council supports this application

Noted: planning application updates:


RESOLVED: Date of next meeting, Parish Council Meeting: Tuesday 12th July 2022, 7.30pm

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 20:54

Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)