pump track design

[Retired] Risk Assessment – Face to Face Parish Council Meetings during a Pandemic

The following policy may be applied when there are government restrictions or additional guidance due to risk of infection from a pandemic.

Room set up and Dismantling

People at risk and how:

Staff, Members

Transmission from setting out the chairs to hold the meeting and other facilities – kitchen, office, toilets, doors, small hall (if used for the public).

Our Controls:

Sanitise chairs and tables before meeting and again at the end of the meeting before storage, sanitise other facilities after usage. Where possible, Clerk to set up meeting and sanitise in advance to allow to air dry. Paper towelling, sanitiser spray bottles and a gold bag lined bin to be available at the start of meeting to allow members to santise their chairs/tables as required.

Kitchen and toilets to be closed. If emergency use of toilet or kitchen required, then the area to be sanitised after use.

Use a hand spray bottle of 1:40 diluted zoflora for sanitation, to be applied to relevant area and then left to dry overnight after meeting. Alcohol wipes are also available for light switches. (Zoflora states on their website that Zoflora solution used at 1:40 dilution with a 1 minute contact time has been tested and proven to kill coronaviruses.)

  • The hall to be sanitised after use, including the chairs, tables, floors, light switches, door plates, toilets, includes: toilet / handles, sink and taps, door handles and floor. 
  • Only the disabled toilet is in use during PC meeting evenings to reduce cleaning needed.
  • Tables are not provided if not required.  Chairs to be set out in either theatre style or horseshoe shape to avoid people facing each other.
  • Members to sanitise their own chairs. Designated Members to undertake the sanitisation in the areas listed above.

Risk Rating: | Severity: 4/5 | Likelihood: 3/5 | Risk: Medium |

Travelling to and from meeting

People at risk and how:

Staff, members, public

Transmission through the sharing of transport whether private or public.

Our Controls:

  • Attendees, wherever possible, travel to and from meetings separately.
  • Where this is not possible members to follow the guidelines for using shared transport (eg bus, taxi, car sharing).

Risk Rating: | Severity: 4/5 | Likelihood: 1/5 | Risk: Low |

Entering and leaving meeting

People at risk and how:

Staff, members, public

Close proximity to other members and the public entering and leaving the meeting and contact with doors.

Our Controls:

  • Members to enter the meeting and leave in an orderly socially distanced way.
  • Members of public to wear masks
  • Staff and Council Members to wear masks, which can be removed once seated for discussion.
  • Hands to be sanitised on arrival.
  • Controlled, socially distanced, one by one, entry by other attendees.
  • Notices to be erected on entry to meeting regarding social distancing and the wearing of masks.
  • Provision of sanitiser at the entrance to meeting.

Risk Rating: | Severity: 4/5 | Likelihood: 4/5 | Risk: Medium |

Meeting Environment

People at risk and how:

Staff, members, public

Transmission through air and touch.

Our Controls:

  • Socially distanced seating arrangement.
  • Windows and doors to be left open to facilitate the free flow of air though the meeting room.
  • Maximum capacity of main Hall 30 people, of more than this arrive, meeting to be closed, or taken outside.
  • Public encouraged to attend via virtual streamed meeting.

Need to plan optimum chair set up for social distancing.

Risk Rating: | Severity: 4/5 | Likelihood: 4/5 | Risk: Medium |

Conduct of Meeting

People at risk and how:

Staff, members, public

Transfer though touch and air

Our Controls:

  • Members and public to remain socially distanced at all times.
  • Wearing of masks except when speaking.
  • Shouting to be avoided.
  • The circulation of paper documents to be suspended.
  • Adjust the order of business to allow members of the public to leave, should they so wish, immediately after discussion of their item of interest.
  • Need to keep meeting “moving” so it does not last longer than necessary

Risk Rating: | Severity: 4/5 | Likelihood: 4/5 | Risk: Medium |

Track and Trace

Need to take contact details of any members of the public attending.