Held remotely via zoom
Councillors Present: Jon Sebright (Chairman), Sara Box, Helen Neary, Philip Warden and Stephen Marsh
Also in attendance: Dst Cllr David Wood, Philip Edwards (Clerk), and 2 members of the public
2020-10_1. FILM PROJECT
An introduction was received from the team who will provisionally be using the Village Hall for filming at the end of the year. The team will be working with director Sophie Littman on a BBC and BFI financed short film: ” This short, Know The Grass, follows three siblings in an uncanny trip to their local community center. During their journey, as family secrets are revealed, the film’s subtext develops and focuses on mental health awareness and anxiety. “
Sheila Petheridge from BANES gave a presentation and answered questions regarding footpath proposals for Eastcourt Woods and the surrounding area. It is intended to create a winding route through the woodland, creating a circular route and addressing the problem of glass rising to the surface after being used as a glass dump. This will be funded by a unilateral undertaking that can not be used elsewhere.
The diversion of a footpath across the field to the edge of the field was discussed along with improvements to the gate and route of the footpath near Eastcourt Rd.
The Parish Council have expressed support for the proposed installation of a natural woodland path CL1/5 at the rear of Brandown Close.
See: http://www.templecloud.org.uk/galleries/bathnes-woodland-proposals/
Rubble being dumped by trucks in the field behind the playing field was raised.
Dst Cllr David Wood gave an update to the Parish Council as follows:
- Further details have been requested in the AQMA report. Potential solutions were discussed.
- A request was received for extra street lighting near the Brandown Close footpath to the pub. Dst Cllr Wood will find out possible costings for the Parish Council to consider.
- A campaign group has been set up regarding possible development in the field behind the pub.
- Ward Empowerment Fund – Grants have been awarded in the community: £400 for Temple Cloud in Bloom, £400 for the Kids Club, £200 for the Parish Council public consultation.
- The option of double yellow lines have been discussed with residents near Cameley Dr Surgery and at the entrance to Brandown Close.
- A question was received regarding safety bars in the playground. The Village Operative will check.
There were no apologies for absence.
There were no requests for dispensations or declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests in accordance with the PC Code of Conduct.
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council Meeting which took place on Tuesday 8th September 2020 were
approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman.
- The Chairman has met with Sheila Petherbridge to view the footpath proposals.
- Sheila Petherbridge will be clearing and sowing wildflowers on the border of the footpath between Meadway and Brandown Close.
- Remote CCTV access has been set up.
- Badger Damage has been inspected and seeding recommended.
- Planting on the village green with Temple Cloud in Bloom was discussed. Ideas for a memorial plaque will be investigated by Cllr Neary.
- The Christmas Tree was discussed. Volunteers will be invited to help from the community.
There were no new members to co-opt. The Parish Council would welcome new applications.
More details can be found online at: http://www.templecloud.org.uk/becoming-a-parish-councillor/
2020-10_9. CLERKS REPORT
- HAGS have completed additional work on the activity net to resolve the ongoing issue of finger traps between the net and central pole.
- The external auditors report and certificate have been received. A notice of conclusion of audit was published on 17th September 2020 in line with statutory requirements. The auditors report states:
- ” On the basis of our review of Sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR), in our opinion the information in Sections 1 and 2 of the AGAR is in accordance with Proper Practices and no other matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met. “
- The Clerk has contacted BANES Environmental Services to request assistance in organising the clearing up a large amount of black bags in the River Cam in Cameley.
- A grant application has been sent to Dst Cllr David Wood for support with the consultation process for the proposed pump track and other leisure amenities around the village hall and playing field. This grant has been received, and the Parish Council expressed their thanks to Dst Cllr David Wood.
- A complaint was received from a resident regarding grass cuttings left on the path by CURO. The Village Operative has inspected and the area has been tidied.
- A message was received regarding the rationale of leaf blowing on the A37. An explanation has been sent. Further research has also been undertaken by the Clerk and Village Operative. New equipment options will be presented to the Parish Council.
- RESOLVED: Hire rates for the Village Hall for the school were resolved.
2020-10_10. FINANCE
(See APPENDIX 1: Monthly Cash Book Entries for breakdown)
The following payments were noted:
1. Credit card payments in Sept to report: £85.66
2. Other payments in Sept to report: £688.26
3. Regular payments in Sept to report: £1612.92
4. RESOLVED: Payments approved: £1552.40 (Cllrs Sebright and Warden to authorise online)
5. RESOLVED: Per Financial Regs 2.2, Cllr Box was appointed to verify and sign the bank reconciliation, statements and report the conclusion. See APPENDIX 2: Bank Reconciliation.
RESOLVED: To request the contractor to restore the surface to grass after the pavilion demolition.
The Parish Council support the suggestion to instal a new footpath from the car park to the playground. It was decided to delay the installation to allow this to fit with other projects in the area. The council requested that the Clerk obtain a further quote with modified specifications. The route of the footpath was discussed and the preferred route was agreed as going along the school fence.
2020-10_13. PLANNING
- RESOLVED: The Clerk has noted the council’s response and will send a response regarding the NALC white paper: Planning for the future.
- RESOLVED: The parish council objected to the planning application – 20/03215/ADCOU – Consultation Request (Cameley)
- RESOLVED: The parish council objected to the planning application – 20/03604/OUT – Consultation Request (The Square)
- RESOLVED: The parish council maintained its original resolution of support for the notice of Public Footpath Diversion Order: CAMELEY FISHPONDS (CL1/29 AND 30), CAMELEY: https://www.bathnes.gov.uk/services/streets-and-highway-maintenance/public-rights-way/prow-legal-order-case-documents/public
RESOLVED: Date of next scheduled meeting of the Parish Council: Tuesday 10th November 2020
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 22:17.
- Status: Approved