Held online via Zoom.
Councillors Present: Jon Sebright (Chairman), Sara Box, Helen Neary, Philip Warden and Stephen Marsh
Also in attendance: Dst Cllr David Wood, Philip Edwards (Clerk) and two members of the public
Two members of the public gave representation on the request to hire the playing field for a circus tent event.
Dst Cllr Wood gave an update and received questions on:
- Financial impact of Covid 19 to BANES budget.
- Speeding through the village and police involvement
- BANES “Don’t be a Tosser” litter campaign
- Eastcourt Road overgrowth
- Facemasks produced by volunteers in the village
- Village food larder ongoing popularity
There were no apologies for absence.
There were no requests of dispensations or declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests in accordance with the PC Code of Conduct.
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council Meeting which took place on Tuesday 9th June 2020 were approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman. http://www.templecloud.org.uk/2020-06-minutes/
Update from the Chairman.
- NOTICE BOARDS – The new notice boards have been erected by Cllr Warden and Philip Edwards. Expression of thank to Cllr Warden for all his hard work to complete this alongside the village operative. See: http://www.templecloud.org.uk/galleries/new-notice-boards/
- CLIMATE EMERGENCY – RESOLVED: The Parish Council supports action to protect the climate, and will monitor the situation, but will not be declaring a climate emergency at this time. It was noted that if there is a community group willing to coordinate relevant action, that the Parish Council would be willing to revisit this issue.
2020-07_6. CLERKS REPORT
- Noted: update on bins and notices, including BANES signs. http://www.templecloud.org.uk/galleries/litter-notices-july-2020/.
- Noted: The Fire alarm fault in the Village Hall has been fixed. Alarm test and emergency lighting test had been arranged and carried out, and we are awaiting a report and quote on any remedial work required.
- Update on CCTV signs – RESOLVED to purchase a larger A3 size sign for up to £30 for the Village Hall wall.
- The Clerk referred to Dst Cllr Wood’s update on speeding through the village
- Noted: update on antisocial behaviour reports via facebook community in the village. The Clerk will investigate whether local police can attend a Parish Council meeting to further collaborate with the community.
- The Clerk gave an update on WCAG compliance updates to the website (see https://www.gov.uk/service-manual/helping-people-to-use-your-service/making-your-service-accessible-an-introduction for background)
- The Clerk reported that Cilca training has resumed online, and Clerks Cilca training and portfolio is progressing.
- Noted: a letter has been sent to BANES re the TPO request on playing field lane.
- RESOLVED – To accept the internal auditor’s quote received for 2020-21
- Noted: an update on BANES response to Mendip Local Plan: http://www.templecloud.org.uk/banes-council-sets-out-response-to-mendip-local-plan/. The Parish Council will meet to discuss this at a working party just before the September Parish Council meeting.
- The Clerk notified the Parish Council regarding tree surgery recommended for safety on the green and the intention to employ the services of a tree surgeon.
RESOLVED: The Parish Council confirmed that the playground is open to the public and that the risk assessment and signs had been noted and approved:
- Risk Assessment: http://www.templecloud.org.uk/documents/covid-19-playground-risk-assessment/
- Signs: http://www.templecloud.org.uk/playground-opening/
RESOLVED The Parish Council confirmed the opening of the village hall to bookings. This is conditional on adherence to government guidelines by hirers.
The council noted the review of deep cleaning costs, electricity use and fee rates during the hire of the hall by the school.
Government guidelines relevant to hire of the Hall to date were noted:
- Government guidelines on v hall: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-for-the-safe-use-of-multi-purpose-community-facilities/covid-19-guidance-for-the-safe-use-of-multi-purpose-community-facilities
- Latest announcement https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-announces-gyms-and-pools-to-reopen-safely
- Government guidance on cleaning following contamination: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-decontamination-in-non-healthcare-settings/covid-19-decontamination-in-non-healthcare-settings
RESOLVED: The Parish Council approved the hire of the playing field and Village Hall for a circus tent event subject to regular hire rates. The Parish Council will require the organisers to provide a risk assessment and undertake all the necessary requirements to comply with being a Covid 19 secure organiser.
The following guidelines were noted and discussed:
- For government guidance see: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/safer-public-places-urban-centres-and-green-spaces-covid-19
- Group numbers: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/staying-alert-and-safe-social-distancing/staying-alert-and-safe-social-distancing-after-4-july
- Covid 19 secure guidance performing arts: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19/performing-arts
- Law: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2020/684/contents/made
2020-07_9. FINANCE
See appendix for breakdown: http://www.templecloud.org.uk/2020-07-pcm-agenda/2/
- Noted: regular payments for the month totalling: £1,594.92
- Noted: credit card payments for the month totalling: £228.94
- Noted: other payments for the month totalling: £104.00
- RESOLVED: payments were approved for the month totalling: £3,510.12. Cllr Warden and Cllr Neary will authorise online.
- Noted: income for the month totalling: £11,368.71
- RESOLVED the bank reconciliation was approved: see appendix: http://www.templecloud.org.uk/2020-07-pcm-agenda/3/
The updated report ‘Grand Plan’ on projects and planning was noted for and around the village hall. The Parish Council will meet for another walk around on Monday 20th July, 7:00pm to further plan and discuss.
Pavilion demolition update: Metal scrappage has been investigated and no further action to be taken. School has been given first refusal on sports equipment. Key items have been removed and placed in V Hall. The contractor is undertaking a professional survey to check for any asbestos.
RESOLVED: Date of next scheduled meeting of the Parish Council: Tuesday 8th September 2020
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.47pm
- Status: Approved