pump track design

Community Engagement Statement

Aims and Objectives

Temple Cloud with Cameley Parish Council undertakes to provide democratic representation on behalf of the residents of Temple Cloud and Cameley and deliver or facilitate delivery of projects and/or services that make a positive difference to the community.

Defining the Community

The Council seek to engage with all sectors of the community within the parish, irrespective of age, race, gender, religion and to include all individuals, community groups and businesses. The Parish Council will also strive to engage, with specific partnership agreements where necessary, with all third party agencies operating within the parish.

The Council understands that some individuals and groups in the community may be hard to reach and therefore will consider different methods of engagement and give particular thought to those who are hard to reach. This may require the support of partner agencies or making direct contact with groups, leaders and individuals in order to encourage participation by those who are hard to reach and to encourage participation.

Provision of information to the Community

The Council has a comprehensive ‘publication scheme’ which details all types of information available to residents. Full details of the scheme are published on the Council’s website and a copy of which is available in hard copy on request.

What is Community Engagement?

Community Engagement is a process by which a representative sample of people or an entire community is enabled to take an active and productive part in reviewing, designing, approving, commenting on and influencing the decisions and activities of organisations. The Council aim to invite community engagement across a range of subjects, throughout each year and provides an opportunity for residents to influence the council’s decisions.

Opportunities for Formal Representations to the Council

All full council meetings are ‘public meetings’ at which members of the public can attend. There is a dedicated session within each meeting for the public to address the council on matters of interest. It is helpful if the Clerk to the Council is made aware of the fact that residents wish to attend and make representation, as extra time can be allowed when compiling agendas. Details of proposed meeting dates, together with appropriate agendas are published on the Council’s website and on two separate notice boards within the parish.

Opportunities for Community Involvement

Many projects cannot or will not happen without local resident involvement (whether in the planning of a project, shaping its direction and design, delivery or evaluation). The Council aims to undertake regular engagement activity through a range of means:

  • Public participation (a dedicated session at Parish Council Meetings intended for residents to address the
    council about matters of interest).
  • Coffee Mornings.
  • Consultations / polls / surveys (electronic and hard copy).
  • Working together with volunteers at Parish Council led / run events.

Partnership Working

The Council may nominate representatives on the governing body/committee of a range of local groups and bodies. The Council will consider all requests for representation on such bodies.

The Council also supports a formal partnership arrangement with Bath and North East Somerset Council as set out in the Parish Charter.

Role of Council Members and Officers

Contact details for all Members are included on the website, together with details of the Working Parties or Committees that they are members. Contact details for the Clerk are also published.

Specific Areas for Community Involvement

The Council intends to consult with and involve the local community in all relevant projects undertaken.

At present, the Council is keen to work with the community in respect of the following specific projects/objectives:

  • Rejuvenation of the Village Hall and developing its use as a key community facility.
  • War Memorial / Memorial Garden Project
  • Maintaining ownership of and improving a range of community assets, protecting and promoting their use by
    the local community.
  • Maintaining and improving areas of community open space, including a pump track proposal
  • Delivering projects using Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and S106 grants to benefit the community.
  • Specific planned action as published in the action plan:

Appendix – Considerations

Types of engagement

Community Focused Activity:

  • Listening
  • Inviting ideas
  • Requesting input
  • Asking for help/support
  • Seeking

Council Focused Activity:

  • Advertising
  • Informing
  • Notifying
  • Advising
  • Promoting council activities

Method/medium of engagement

Community Focused Activity:

  • Coffee Mornings
  • Focus groups
  • Consultations
  • Questionnaires / surveys / polls
  • Members attending meetings of other groups for outreach purposes

Council Focused Activity:

  • Posters, flyers, council notices, newsletters
  • Parish Council Meetings Agendas / Minutes
  • Parish Council Policies
  • Information and updates on noticeboards, the Parish
  • Council website, other news circulations and social media

Other Considerations

  • Who is to be engaged with and why?
  • Is community engagement needed?
  • Has the community been kept informed about what is planned, or what is happening?
  • What are the intended outcomes?
  • How do you plan to communicate?
  • How will you let others know what is happening and show that the outcomes have been achieved and the work has made a difference?
  • How will the engagement be captured and analysed?
  • How can opportunities for residents to become involved be created?
  • What time and resources may be required?
  • What guidance should be set – e.g. what the aims are, how residents can get involved and how contributions can influence a project?
  • Are the methods of engagement tailored to the group or individual?
  • Have the council considered hard to reach individuals and groups?
  • Can other leaders, organisations, businesses or groups help?
  • How can the method of engagement best suit the target individual or group? (time of engagement, day of engagement, method).
  • Partnership working can help with hard to reach individuals and groups.
  • Who has an interest, skills or expert knowledge?
  • How the council can promote how members of the community can become involved and influence decisions?
  • Look at what other people are doing to build on good practice.
  • How can the event or engagement be evaluated to improve future events?

Other Resources:

BANES Parish Charter:

West of England Rural Network: