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Temple Cloud Village Hall

At 5pm today Temple Cloud Village Hall passed to the care of Cameley Parish Council. Initially you will probably notice only small changes, including the phone number to book the Hall. We intend keeping the same charges as the previous committee for regular users until at least the end of March. If you have a regular booking now and wish to keep it, you can. All we ask is that you make contact with Jenny, the Parish Clerk with your contact details and to confirm dates for the diary. I know that 2018 sees the Temple Cloud Womens Institute celebrating their centenary, We wish them a year of celebrations and look forward to their next 100 years in our Village Hall. I sincerely hope the Rock and Roll evenings continue and we’re ready to take your booking when you’re ready. We hopefully will also see the return of the school on a regular basis. If you have any queries or concerns, come and have a chat and we will see what we can do. Over the coming weeks we hope to make some further announcements about the Hall. But, be sure, the Village Hall will continue to serve the residents of Temple Cloud and our neighbours. We will encourage all to come and it will be available to all. If you wish to make a booking, we have added a new feature to the Parish Council website where you can check the Village Hall Calendar and make a booking / reservation online. We will be adding new content and working to make the format even better over the next month or so. You can also make an enquiry or reservation by email: or phone Jenny on 07902  906993. Keep up to date via our website or our Facebook page.  If all else fails the Parish Council meet on the second Wednesday of the month at the Village Hall, meetings start at 7.30pm, come and have your say about what you want at your Village Hall during our Public Participation session. Happy Christmas to you all and here’s to an exciting year for our Village Hall. Tony Hooper Chairman Cameley Parish Council
  • Posted: 22nd December 2017

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