Cameley Parish Council are pleased to announce that a design for the Play Area Project has been agreed.
This project has come a long way since the idea was first considered. A working party consisting of Cllrs Maria Musins, Dylan Morris, John Cockerham and Tracey Turner have been hard at work to keep the project progressing with the support of the full Parish Council.
After a month of advertising the opportunity to contractors on the Governments Contracts Finder and publishing an invitation to tender the Parish Council received an impressive 7 applications by the closing date.
The Parish Council selecting Hags as the preferred supplier for the Play Area Project at the April Parish Council after it was established that Hags had submitted the most comprehensive tender application which most closely matched the requirements outlined within the invitation to tender.
The Parish Council then met on Wednesday 26th April 17 for an extraordinary Parish Council Meeting to consider the Hags submission against a revised design to increase the number of swings in the proposal. At this meeting, the chosen design was selected.
The Parish Council will use Section 106 money provided to the Parish Council due to the recent development which must be spent to mitigate the effects of development. The current equipment and size of the play area – for a growing village is simply not fit for purpose as it is, nor is it inclusive to all ages. The new play area will cover a larger area on Cameley Playing Field and will have more equipment which includes those that were identified as being the most popular during the consultation process. It will also have equipment for all ages and abilities with some equipment having been chosen as they are also suitable for disabled children.
In addition the Parish Council would like to thank the other companies who submitted their tenders for this project and recognise the time that went into each and every design.
The Parish Council now look forward to working with Hags to create an improved and much expanded Play Area on Cameley Playing Field. We will keep you all updated through the website and Facebook page and let you know when the work is due to start!
You can view the chosen design here:
The Parish Council would like to thank all those who have shaped the project so far including the residents and children who attended the Parish Council Coffee Morning on 3rd December 16 at Temple Cloud Village Hall and enthusiastically shared their ideas. This process helped to identify the key pieces of equipment that residents and children will soon see installed in the improved play area.
- Posted: 4th May 2017