Table of Contents
Clerk: Philip Edwards (CiLCA) | Tel: 07591 257067 |
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Councillors Present: Sara Box, Jon Elford, Andrew Kirkby, Jon Sebright (Chairman) and Mark Wilson (Vice Chairman)
Also Present: Philip Edwards (Clerk)
There was no public participation contributed by members of the public.
2312_[2] Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Philip Warden
2312_[3] Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests.
2312_[4] Confirmation of Minutes
RESOLVED: The Parish Council meeting minutes of Tuesday 14th November 2023 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by Chairman.
2312_[5] Chairman’s Report
- A report was received from the Chairman
2312_[6] Clerk’s Report
- Noted: Cllr Cottis has resigned from the parish council.
- Christmas tree arrangements: Putting up tree and switching on lights were planned for 17th December.
2312_[7] Members Reports
- There were no reports on members’ responsibilities or attendance of outside bodies.
2312_[8] Ward Councillor’s Report
- A report was received in writing from BANES District Cllr David Wood
2312_[9] Village Hall
The village hall fire alarm inspection has been completed. It was noted that a new alarm may eventually be required to replace the old system.
2312_[10] FINANCE
Payments and income – see appendix 2023-12 Finance Reports
- RESOLVED: £500 Grant Application approved for Clutton with Cameley PCC
- RESOLVED: payments to approve as listed in finance reports.
- Noted: payments and Income
- Noted: Bank reconciliation
- Noted: Review of budget for 24/25 (To be resolved in January meeting)
- RESOLVED: To open a savings account with all current members to be added as signatories, linked to the Unity current account. Opening balance £40,000
Ref: Business 1 Year Savings Account | Nationwide for Businesses (
Application Reference: 23/04266/OUT
Application Address: The Quarry , Cameley Road, Cameley, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5AG
Proposal: Erection of a detached dormer bungalow with integral garage (Outline application to determine access and scale with all other matters reserved). (Resubmission of 20/00223/OUT)
RESOLVED: Consultation Response: The Parish Council supports this application
Application Reference: 23/03460/FUL
Application Address: St Barnabas Church , Temple Inn Lane, Temple Cloud, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5DB
Proposal: Change of grass area to provide car parking for use of church and associated engineering works.
RESOLVED: Consultation Response: The Parish Council supports this application
RESOLVED: Date of next meeting: Tuesday 16th January 2024, 7.30pm
Noted: Cameley Playing Field Charity annual meeting in January 2024 to follow the council meeting
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 21:08
Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)
- Version: 1
- Status: Approved