pump track design

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting: 14th November 2023, 7:30pm

Clerk: Philip Edwards (CiLCA) | Tel: 07591 257067 |
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Councillors Present: Sara Box, Jon Sebright (Chairman), Philip Warden and Mark Wilson (Vice Chairman)

Also Present: Philip Edwards (Clerk) and one member of the public


A member of the public presented options regarding possible collaboration with Bath University architecture students.


2311_[2]  Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors David Cottis, Jon Elford and Andrew Kirkby,

2311_[3]  Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests.

2311_[4] Confirmation of Minutes

RESOLVED: The Parish Council meeting minutes of Tuesday 10th October 2023 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by Chairman.


2311_[5] Chairman’s Report

  • There was no report from the Chairman

2311_[6] Clerk’s Report

  • Reviewed: Village Hall collaboration opportunity with Bath University student projects
  • Noted: Annual Playground inspection has been completed
  • Christmas Tree arrangements:
    • The Clerk would liaise with Dst Cllr David Wood about a date for turning on the Christmas tree lights
    • Noted: Christmas tree lights replacement options
    • RESOLVED: The Christmas Tree risk assessment was reviewed and approved
  • Noted: correspondence shared with council members listed in the appendix
  • Noted: Finance working party possible dates for 23/24 budget planning

2311_[7] Members Reports

  • There were no reports on members’ responsibilities or attendance of outside bodies

2311_[8] Ward Councillor’s Report

  • A report was received in writing from BANES District Cllr David Wood

2311_[9] Pump Track and Playing Field:

  • RESOLVED: Request to hire the pump track for coaching was approved for a trial period subject to terms of agreement
  • RESOLVED: Purchase of Makita DUR191LZX3 18V LXT Split shaft strimmer with battery and charger, budget approximately £236.50 ex VAT for pump track, play area and footpaths. This item to be funded from the open spaces annual budget.
  • Goal posts: Costs for installing smaller goal posts would be reviewed in the December meeting. The council requested the Clerk to aim for a possible installation in the Spring 2024.

2311_[10] FINANCE

Payments and income – see appendix 2023-11 Finance Reports

  1. RESOLVED: To implement the Local Government Services pay agreement 2023, contractually applicable for staff from 1 April 2023
  2. RESOLVED: payments to approve as listed in finance reports.
  3. Noted: payments and Income
  4. Noted: Bank reconciliation
  5. Noted: Year to date spend


RESOLVED: Application Reference23/04104/ADCOU: The Parish Council SUPPORTS this application.
Application Address: Cinderlands , Cameley Road, Cameley, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5AF
Proposal: Prior approval request for change of use from agricultural buildings to 2no. dwellings (Use Class C3) and assosciated operational development.

RESOLVED: Application Reference23/03838/TPO: No response following expiry of deadline
Application Address: 12 Brandown Close, Temple Cloud, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5EJ
Proposal: T1-Sycamore located within boundary hedge, overhangs public footpath. Advanced decay at main union – propose tree is significantly reduced to a finishing height of approximately 8m as per 2015 tree constraint plan, in order to mitigate risk of major limb failure over car bay or footpath.

Noted: Consultation expired 2/11/23. A delegated response was not possible.

RESOLVED: Application Reference23/03770/FUL: The Parish Council SUPPORTS this application.
Application Address: Cameley Old School House , Main Road, Temple Cloud, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5BZ
Proposal: Erection of detached timber frame building to provide garden store and garden office (Retrospective).

Noted: Extended deadline for response agreed with planning officer.


RESOLVED: Date of next meeting: Tuesday 12th December 2023, 7.30pm


There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 21.17

Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)