Cameley Parish Council are very excited to announce that the invitation to tender for the Play Area Project is now live and is being advertised on Contracts Finder. You can view the advert on Contracts Finder here and also view the full invitation to tender which includes the specification of requirements.
The invitation sets out the scope of the Parish Council Project to refurbish elements of the existing play area at Cameley Playing Field, Temple Cloud and design, supply and install additional equipment to expand the Play Area to cater for a wide range of age groups. The Parish Council intend to use Section 106 money towards the project which is intended to mitigate the effects of development. The current equipment and size of the play area – for a growing village is simply not fit for purpose as it is, nor is it inclusive to all ages. The new play area will be bigger, have more pieces of equipment and will include those that were identified as being the most popular in the consultation process. It will also have equipment for a range of ages – from toddler to teens.
The Parish Council would like to thank all those who attended the Coffee Morning in December, completed questionnaires and responded to the online survey and who have shared your thoughts with the Parish Council along the way. This engagement has shaped the direction of the project and also helped identify the key pieces of equipment that residents and children want to see installed in the new play area.
The invitation to tender opens today and closes on Friday 31st March 2017. The Parish Council intends to discuss applications at the April Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 12th April 2017. As always, residents and members of the public are welcome to attend the Parish Council Meetings and there is a public participation session at the start.
Thank you for your support and ideas so far and we will keep you updated on progress on both the Parish Council website and also on the Cameley Parish Council Facebook page. Please share this news with anyone you think might be interested! You can also view the tender invitation and specification here.
- Posted: 3rd March 2017