pump track design

2023-03 Finance Reports

Payments to Approve

9/2/2023 Architrail Velosolutions, Invoice INV-2445, revised amount £5962.80. (deduction of planning application fee met by council) Payment of £10 already made has been confirmed as received.
Remaining payment to approve £5952.80

Inv TCVH-258 refund of key security deposit £50

Payments to Report

Mar 2023 Regular payments          
Bank Date Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross  
06/02/2023   Staff Staff salaries, expenses 1747.28   1747.28  
01/02/2023   Curo Garage Hire 46.94 9.39 56.33  
01/02/2023   Water2Business Utilities – Village Hall 22.50   22.50  
01/02/2023   EDF Energy Utilities – Village Hall 130.48 6.52 137.00  
08/02/2023 10/01/2023 Source Shaper Ltd t/a Shape Payroll payroll services 5.00 1.00 6.00  
      SUBTOTAL       1969.11
Mar 2023 Credit card payments to note          
Bank Date Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross  
09/02/2023 23/01/2023 BANES parking – planning forum 0.58 0.12 0.70  
09/02/2023 23/01/2023 Saxton Trading Limited wood blades 5.82 1.17 6.99  
09/02/2023 23/01/2023 Amazon EU S.à r.l., UK Branch screws 3.87 0.77 4.64  
09/02/2023 23/01/2023 Amazon EU S.à r.l., UK Branch crowbar 5.36 1.07 6.43  
09/02/2023 26/01/2023 Lloyds Bank Fee 3.00   3.00  
      SUBTOTAL       21.76

Income to report

Receipts Feb 2023                  
Approval Ref Date     Description     Amount Sub ex dp Subtotal
AP2023-02-13 13/02/2023   VH Deposit refund -50.00   -50.00    
AP2023-02-13 13/02/2023   VH Deposit refund -125.00   -125.00    
AP2023-02 PCM 22/02/2023   VH Deposit refund -125.00   -125.00    
AP2023-02 PCM 22/02/2023   VH Deposit refund -125.00   -125.00    
  28/02/2022   Nationwide Bank Interest 75.18   75.18    
        SUBTOTAL         -349.82

Bank Reconciliation

Reconciliation of balances 28th Feb 2023  
Balance per bank statements    
Current Account Unity 42,808.63  
Reserve Account Unity 57,281.02  
Nationwide Savings Acc 35,000.00  
SUBTOTAL bank statements   135,089.65
Less unpresented payments   75.18
Unbanked cash   0.00
Reconciling Items:    
Uncleared bank transfer: interest from savings to current a/c   0.00
NET BALANCES   135,164.83
The net balances reconcile to the Cash Book (receipts and payments account) as follows:    
Opening Balance at 1 April 2022   132,844.17
Add: Receipts in the year   52370.63
Less: Payments in the year    -50049.97
CLOSING BALANCE per Cash Book    135,164.83
  • Posted: 7th March 2023