pump track design

2023-01 Finance Reports

Payments to Approve

Payments to approve          
Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross  
31/12/2022 Staff Mileage claim 10.35   10.35  
31/12/2022 Cleaner VH Cleaning 60.00   60.00  
04/12/2022 C Light Playing field mowing 120.00   120.00  
    SUBTOTAL       190.35

Payments to Report

Jan 2023 Regular payments            
Bank Date Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross  
06/12/2022   Staff Staff salaries, expenses 1747.28   1747.28  
01/12/2022   Curo Garage Hire 46.94 9.39 56.33  
01/12/2022   Water2Business Utilities – Village Hall 22.50   22.50  
01/12/2022   EDF Energy Utilities – Village Hall 130.48 6.52 137.00  
08/12/2022 04/12/2022 Source Shaper Ltd t/a Shape Payroll payroll services 5.00 1.00 6.00  
30/12/2022   Vodafone Mobile phone monthly sim 5.00 1.00 6.00  
31/12/2022   Unity Service Charge 18.00   18.00  
      SUBTOTAL       1993.11
Jan 2023 Credit card payments to note          
Bank Date Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross  
12/12/2022 31/10/2022 amazon Toilet Rolls and Mop 31.64 6.34 37.98  
12/12/2022 25/11/2022 Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. MS Office 39.16 7.83 46.99  
12/12/2022 26/08/2022 Lloyds Bank Fee 3.00   3.00  
      SUBTOTAL       87.97

Income to report

Date     Description     Amount Subtotal Subtotal
08/12/2022   VH Deposit refund -125.00   -125.00    
09/12/2022   Yoga Village Booking 62.00   62.00    
31/12/2022   Nationwide Bank Interest 164.3   164.30    
      SUBTOTAL         101.30

Bank Reconciliation

Reconciliation of balances 31st Dec 2022    
Balance per bank statements    
Current Account Unity 22,443.83  
Reserve Account Unity 57,281.02  
Nationwide Savings Acc 60,000.00  
SUBTOTAL bank statements   139,724.85
Less unpresented payments   0.00
Unbanked cash   0.00
Reconciling Items:    
Uncleared bank transfer: interest from savings to current a/c   127.40
NET BALANCES   139,852.25
The net balances reconcile to the Cash Book (receipts and payments account) as follows:    
Opening Balance at 1 April 2022   132,844.17
Add: Receipts in the year   51808.12
Less: Payments in the year    -44800.04
CLOSING BALANCE per Cash Book    139,852.25
  • Posted: 4th January 2023
  • Version: 1.1