Table of Contents
Each year we receive a grant from BANES to maintain and keep the public footpaths clear. The following areas are a particular problem with overgrowth at ground level, such as brambles and nettles:
- The footpath above Cholwell Farm becomes blocked with brambles
- The footpath to the field behind the Temple Garage becomes overgrown with nettles
- The foopath in Eastcourt Woods becomes blocked with brambles
- The footpath below Eastcourt Woods into the fields becomes blocked with brambles and nettles
- The footpath from Molly Close becomes blocked with nettles and brambles
The strimmer can be used for nettles and grass, but is not suitable where for harder overgrowth like brambles.
The ride on mower has been used in places, but there is a risk of damage to the mower blades from uneven ground and hidden rocks in some places.
A brush cutter has been used by the village operative for work in Clutton and it was found that this proved the best tool to tackle overgrowth on footpaths.
An oscillating blade option is required for areas where there is a risk of hogweed. The spinning blade can cause dangerous toxins to permanently burn the skin if hogweed is hit. There are incidents of local workers having skin burned from strimming and hitting hogweed. The oscillating version can be used as an alternative for safety where there may be hogweed.
The interchangeable version chosen here allows for alternative attachments, like a rotavator which could be added later if required.
The 2 stroke version will allow the same 2 stroke eco friendly fuel to be used that is also used on the other Parish Council machines.
The Stihl tools have proven to be reliable in Parish Council use and can be serviced locally.
2 stroke version

The light weight Stihl KM 94 RC-E is packed full of features to help with those everyday tasks around the house and garden.
Designed for both keen gardeners and professionals alike, the versatile KombiEngine will comfortably power all the KombiTools within the STIHL range.
Technological features include; STIHL ErgoStart for smooth, hassle free starting, the economical STIHL 2-MIX engine and STIHL ECOSPEED for simple adjustment of the engine speed via the control handle.
Technical data
Power output kW/bhp 0.9/1.2
Displacement cm³ 24.1
Weight kg 1) 4
Sound power level dB(A) 2) 109
Vibration levels left/right m/s² 3) 7.2/7.2
Length to coupling sleeve cm 90
brush cutter attachment

Scrub Cutter

Designed for use with all Stihl KombiEngine units fitted with either the loop handle or the bike style handle. Allowing comfortable cutting of grass, scrub and brush at ground level or clearing long grass, brush and brambles and is also ideal for mowing in narrow spaces. When fitted to a looped handled KombiEngine unit you can also trim hedges with this tool.
Fitted with a 25cm blade which is adjustable through 145° which is ideal for clearing on banks or in ditches to give a perfect finish. When not in use the blade can be folded right back on itself for safer storage and transportation.
The Stihl KombiSystem is perhaps the most versatile petrol powered multi-tool system on the market and certainly the best quality that your money can buy.
Optional purchase: Hand held rotavator option

Pick tines KombiTool for the STIHL KombiSystem.
A lightweight cultivator for getting into tight places.
Ideal for rejuvenation of flower beds and plantings, and for mixing amendments into the soil.
Approved for all KombiEngines and FR 130 T.
Sometimes described as Stihl BF-KM or Stihl BF KM or even Stihl KM BF
4 stroke version for comparison:

Supplier A (Ex VAT) | Supplier B (Ex VAT) | Supplier C (Ex VAT) | |
STIHL KM94RC-E KOMBI ENGINE (2 stroke) | £221.67 | £253.33 | £227.50 |
STIHL KM-MB KOMBI GRASS CUTTER BLADE 230-2 | £94.16 | £106.66 | £100.00 |
STIHL FH-KM 145 KOMBI SCRUB CUTTER | £199.99 | £216.66 | £202.50 |
Subtotal | £515.82 | £576.65 | £530.00 |
Supplier details | Online order | Local supplier, same day collection and delivery maintenance service. Discount negotiated and applied. | Online order |
STIHL BF-KM KOMBI PICK TINE (rotavator) | £122.50 | £140.00 | |
STIHL KM111R KOMBI ENGINE (4 stroke) | £357.50 | £384.00 |
Supplier B is recommended to follow the Parish Council procurement values, quoted below:
The Council will strive to attain best value for all goods, materials and services which it purchases. “Best Value” will be defined as a balance of price, quality of product and supplier services. The Council will operate a transparent procurement process in accordance with its Financial Regulations and Standing Orders for all procurement.
- The Council will purchase locally wherever possible and where best value can be satisfied. The Council will primarily make purchases within the Parish of Cameley, and the B&NES District.
- In evaluating “best value”, the past record of the supplier will be taken into account and this does not always mean that the Parish Council should select the lowest quotation.
- The Council will purchase Fair Trade goods where possible.
- The Council will purchase re-cycled goods or less environmentally damaging materials where they meet the required functional standard and will have regard to protect and sustain the environment.
- Procurement activities will comply with the Council’s Financial Regulations and follow guidance in the NALC Procurement Toolkit where possible.
- Tender opportunities will be promoted on the Councils website to encourage tenders from local community and voluntary organisations and the local SME sector.
- The Council will look favourably to organisations that pay the Living Wage as set by the Living Wage Foundation. (£9.30 /h 2019/2020 across the UK outside London)
- Posted: 27th October 2020