Table of Contents
Proposal for Temple Inn Lane
The Parish Council is aiming to increase parking spaces available on Temple Inn Lane in order to reduce parking in other areas, such as Brandown Close. The Parish Council is also aiming to slow down traffic along Temple Inn Lane. The Parish Council asked BANES for some proposals that would consider these aims along with road safety and residents’ accessibility.
The following proposal has been suggested by BANES to implement these aims: 3 sections measuring 12 metres each which could possibly have the double yellow lines removed without causing an impact of accessibility for neighbouring properties or obstructing the highway. This would provide around 6-9 car parking spaces on Temple Inn Lane for local residents depending on the size of vehicles occupying the spaces.
Proposal for Brandown Close
Some feedback has been undertaken regarding extending double yellow lines in Brandown Close. There seem to be mixed responses from residents regarding this proposal. The extended double yellow lines would prevent parking, but there are some concerns that this may have the effect of moving the parked cars into other unsuitable areas.
Current Layout Oct 2021
This is the current layout of the double yellow lines. The initial double yellow lines at the junction on Brandown Close were installed to improve safety and access to the junction.
- Posted: 4th October 2021